How to Survive Finals Week in College

As a senior in a prestigious University on the West Coast, I know first hand how hard it is to make it through finals week. The hours and hours of studying plus the hours and hours of tests make for a miserable and highly stressful time period. The following are suggestions (that I have successfully used) to get you through this stressful time.

As your time gets more and more pressed during finals week (as you are studying for your tests), the first things to go out are your nutrition, adequate rest and exercise. The draw back is that these three important aspects of your life are vital to your success during this stressful time. With out proper nutrition, adequate sleep and physical exercise, your body begins to shut down and your performance in/out of the class drastically decreases. You are also more susceptible to sickness/injury while you are in this state. It is very important that you take time out during finals week to accomplish these three things. You will gain more out of exercising 30 minutes per day, eating healthy snacks/meals and sleeping 8 hours every night than you will using all of that time to study for tests. When you are rested, healthy, and alert, you are better able to recall all the information you have learned on the test subject; as well as you are in a better state of mind to logically think through questions. Also, while you take care of your physical body, your ability to reduce mental stress increases.

The main form of stress acquired during finals week is mental stress. Comprehensive tests on the numerous subjects you have studied for the last couple of months are enough to make anybody stress out. The pressure schools put on students to perform well during these situations also increase mental stress levels. It is very important that you take care of your mental stress before it takes care of you. There are numerous ways to do this however. I have found that two seem to work the best for most people.

First of all, most schools have a counseling/grief center with a wide variety of resources. One of these resources may include stress reduction sessions conducted by trained professionals. These sessions include visualization techniques, how to over come test anxiety, hypnosis (to over come stress), meditation, proper breathing techniques, and some suggestions on how to reduce stress while you are taking your test. All of these things greatly aid in reducing your mental stress during finals week.

Finally, the biggest aid in reducing your mental stress is to communicate with people and taking some time for yourself to clear your mind. While you communicate with people, you are able to channel some of the mental stress out of your body. Afterwards, you should always take some time to meditate and to ponder on positive thoughts by yourself. This allows your mental state to relax and focus on other important aspects of your life. It may also be beneficial to seek out inspirational quotes to get you through these times. I have found that is an excellent website with inspirational quotes. Well, Good Luck with your tests and know that you are not alone in you journey.