Insulin is a hormone that is produced by the beta cells, which are cells that are scattered throughout the pancreas. The insulin produced is released into the blood stream and travels throughout the body. Insulin is an important hormone that has many actions within the body. Most of the actions of insulin are directed at metabolism (control) of carbohydrates (sugars and starches), lipids (fats), and proteins. Insulin also is important in regulating the cells of the body including their growth.

What causes insulin resistance?

Because insulin resistance tends to run in families, we know that genes are partly responsible. Excess weight also contributes to insulin resistance because too much fat interferes with muscles' ability to use insulin. Lack of exercise further reduces muscles' ability to use insulin.

The cause of the vast majority of cases of insulin resistance remains unknown. There is clearly an inherited component, as sharply increased rates of insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes are found in those with close relatives who have developed Type 2 diabetes. However, there are some grounds for suspecting that insulin resistance is related to a high-carbohydrate diet. An American study has shown that glucosamine (often prescribed for joint problems) may cause insulin resistance.

Who has insulin resistance?

Almost all individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus (diabetes) and many with hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and obesity are insulin resistant. These diseases and conditions are predominantly found in countries with an improved economic status such as the U.S. And in the U.S., these diseases and conditions are among the leading contributors to morbidity and mortality. Also, about 20-25% of the healthy population may be insulin resistant.

Symptoms of insulin resistance

Fatigue. The most common feature of Insulin Resistance is that it wears people out. Some are tired just in the morning or afternoon, others are exhausted all day.

Insulin resistance or glucose intolerance - an inability to use insulin properly or control blood sugar levels very well, which is a very important factor in metabolic syndrome

Abnormal fat levels in the blood - specifically, high levels of triglycerides and low levels of HDL (or 'good') cholesterol, which can lead to arteriosclerosis (fatty plaques) on the walls of blood vessels

Insulin Resistance Diagnosis

Diagnosis of each of the diseases that comprise insulin resistance syndrome is usually straightforward and familiar. By the time a diagnosis of hypertension or diabetes is made, however, complications are often already present. Furthermore, insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia often have been present for years, conferring an increased risk for the development of other components of the syndrome, including coronary heart disease.

Insulin Resistance Treatment

Evaluate patients for comorbid conditions; this is generally feasible on an outpatient basis. Admission for laboratory studies may be warranted for patients whose conditions require urgent or emergent intervention.Syndrome X requires aggressive control of cardiovascular and metabolic risk factors. Tailor therapy for optimal benefits.

Avoid the foods that cause your blood sugar to rise quickly. These include all types of flour products: bread, spaghetti, macaroni, bagels, rolls, crackers, cookies and pretzels; refined corn products and white rice; and all sugar added products. Eat lots of vegetables, un-ground whole grains, beans, seeds and nuts. Eat fruits and root vegetables (potatoes, carrots and beets) only with other foods.

The medical literature suggests that the endocrinopathy in most patients with polycystic ovary syndrome can be resolved with insulin lowering therapy. This is clinically very important because the therapy reduces hirsutism, obesity, blood pressure, triglyceride levels, elevated blood clotting factors and facilitates reestablishment of the normal pituitary ovarian cycle, thus often allowing resumption of normal ovulatory cycles and pregnancy.