Acidic Diet for Urinary Tract Infections- How Certain Acids Naturally Cure U.t.i

Do any of these symptoms sound familiar? Night sweats, chills, fever, vomiting, fatigue, blood in urine, clouded urine, aching mid-section, nighttime urination, unsuccessful bathroom trips, or frequent urination? If so, you are probably experiencing a urinary tract infection and symptoms that go along with it. Though the symptoms are painful, the body is taking an even greater hit because of possible permanent kidney damage or even kidney failure caused by the UTI infection. But there is hope!

If you are experiencing an infection or know someone who is, I encourage you to be pro-active by trying an acidic diet for urinary tract infections. The truth is many people do not seek out treatment because of cost, embarrassment or time. These sufferers deal with the symptoms and hope that the E coli will miraculously pass through the system. And sometimes it does because of you diet (though you might not realize it at the time). But why wait a month to a year waiting and hoping, why not naturally cure U.T.I. with the foods that eat. And most often you can kill the urinary tract infection (usually E coli) in hours and pass it by the next day.

Can you imagine being urinary tract infection-free by this time tomorrow?

The Cause and Cure of Urinary Tract Infections

Knowing the cause can lead to the cure! Therefore, it is always important to look at the cause of the infection before we look to the cure. In the case of a urinary tract infection, E coli (Escherichia coli) is the culprit for the infection in the urinary tract.

E coli is a harmful bacteria that is often associated with cattle and spinach. In 2006, an E coli strain swept through the U.S. by contaminating spinach. However, this E coli is not only limited to cattle or spinach, in fact, you also have E coli in your intestines to break down and digest food. And finally, this harmful disease can also be in your urinary tract and bladder if your immunity is down. In addition, U.T.I.s (especially urethritis) can result from sexually-transmitted diseases, such as herpes simplex virus, gonorrhea, and Chlamydia.

And now the good news! You can drastically increase your immunity and kill the E coli by supplements and a healthy diet.

Naturally Cure UTI with an Acidic Diet and Vitamin C

While you read these words, the bacteria in your urinary tract are growing and multiplying slowly. Therefore, to naturally cure U.T.I., you must kill the bacteria in your system and flush it out of your body. And your body is ready to do all of this if given the right tools to do the job. Are you ready to arm your body with the weapons it needs?

By creating a hostile environment in your urinary tract and bladder, you can actually naturally cure urinary tact infections. But how? The simple cure is to kill the E coli bacteria through highly potent acidic foods and Vitamin C (also called ascorbic acid). And your body's only response to the acidic food is a heightened immunity to other diseases and infections.

By allowing natural acids (found in nature) to reach the bladder you can kill the harmful bacteria in the urinary tract. And by supplementing with Vitamin C, ascorbic acid, your white blood cells will engage to kill the infection permanently.

If you choose to treat your infection with a home remedy, it would also be important to note how your body has a natural pH (acid and alkaline balance). By choosing alkaline foods/supplements to balance the acidic potency, you are on the sure path to naturally cure U.T.I. and also to better overall health.