Panic Disorder Cure - How Exercise Can Reduce Panic

If you're not exercising regularly, you may be missing out on an easy, inexpensive way to improve your overall mood as well as your ability to cope with Panic disorders and attacks. While exercise is not a cure for Panic disorder disorders, it may be an important tool in your recovery.

Many magazine article on Panic disorder research have shown that regular exercise can positively impact your health and result to feelings of well-being, these includes an increased ability to relax. Various studies confirm such results. In a study at Concordia University in Montreal Canada, almost all the participants reported an improvement in mood after exercising. Those who felt the worst prior to exercising reported the greatest improvements in mood. The United States Surgeon General reports that physical activity "reduces symptoms of Panic disorders and depression and fosters improvements in mood and feelings of well-being."

Theories vary on why exercise improves mood. A number of factors appear to be at work such as reduced muscle tension and increased levels of serotonin (An important neurochemical whose effects upon the human brain include mood elevation. Production of serotonin in the brain is increased by ingestion of the amino acid tryptophan (a chemical precursor to serotonin) and the pharmaceutical anti-depressant Prozac (trademarked product of Eli Lilly).

If you fear exercising because you think it will cause a panic disorders, start slowly. In fact, the American Psychological Association reports, "You don't have to knock yourself out to feel good." The APA article discusses the link between lactic acid (produced by some forms of exercise) and panic disorders. If particular exercises do seem to cause you to have panic disorders (for whatever reasons), then try a simple, brisk walk for a short period of time. Walk at whatever pace is comfortable at first and for whatever length of time you can handle. Over time, you may increase the pace and length of the workout. In the meantime, you should be working on coping skills and other recovery techniques, so that you are prepared to handle panicky feelings in any situation. If you choose to try other, more intense exercises later, you will be ready to do so.

Exercise like walking and many more have benefits beyond the merely physical. Many people walk as much for mental and spiritual well-being as for fitness.

Can walking make you happy? Can it help you deal with life Panic disorders? Can it help you work through relationship problems? Can it lead to a deeper spiritual and religious life? For many, the answer is yes.

It Is Your Brain on the Walking.

Exercise, such as walking, increases the blood flow to the brain. A 1999 study of people over 60 found that walking 45 minutes a day at 16-minute mile pace increased the thinking skills of those over 60. The participants started at 15 minutes of walking and built up their time and speed. The result was that the same people were mentally sharper after taking up this walking program.

Many physicians recommend adding regular walking and exercise as a natural treatment to relieve a bout of depression and Panic disorders. The cause of Panic disorders is related to brain chemistry. By getting your brain to release more of the happy chemicals - the endorphins - you achieve naturally what many prescription drugs and herbs try to do artificially.

Panic disorders can be a serious and life-threatening disease, consult your health care provider if your mood is leading to problems in your life or if you have suicidal thoughts.