Anxiety and Panic Attack Stop it in One Minute

Anxiety is a psychological and physiological state.   In other words, the word anxiety is a future-oriented mood in which one is ready or prepared to attempt to cope with upcoming negative events.  Anxiety creates an unpleasant feeling and leads to uneasiness, apprehension, fear and thus leads to panic attack disorder symptoms. It is characterized by cognitive, somatic, emotional, and behavioral components.  Anxiety is generally governed by ones mood or condition which can occur without any identical triggering stimulus.

Anxiety can be distinguished from fear.  In addition to this, this fear is related to avoidance and escape, whereas anxiety is the result of threat that is perceived to be uncontrollable or unavoidable.  Anxiety is a distinction between future vs. present dangers that divides anxiety and fear.  It is a normal reaction to stress. When anxiety becomes excessive, it may fall under the classification of an anxiety disorder.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder, GAD, is an anxiety disorder characterized by chronic anxiety, exaggerated worry and tension, even when there is little or nothing to provoke it.  People with the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder tend to always expect disaster and can't stop worrying. Here, the worry is often unrealistic.  Hence, anxiety dominates person's thinking and it interferes with daily functioning.  For millions of people in the United States, the anxiety does not go away, and gets worse over time.  They may have chest pains or nightmares which are all panic attacks physical symptoms.  They may even be afraid to leave home.  Listed below are symptoms of anxiety panic disorders.

Requirement to go bathroom
Trouble in sleep

One can control anxiety with the help of breathing technique.  When you are anxious, your breathing may be quick and shallow.  This does not allow enough oxygen to reach your organs, and it can cause hyperventilation.  Proper breathing techniques can alleviate this condition.  Emotions and breathing have a reciprocal relationship - when you are anxious, nervous or upset your breathing quickens and may even become erratic. When you are relaxed and composed your breathing is slow, calm and rhythmical.

Barry Joe McDonagh, a former sufferer of all too frequent panic attacks and GAD developed a technique known as ‘Panic Away' which helps to eliminate 100% of general anxiety and panic attacks in a short time.   This may seem very hard to believe for someone who may have this condition for some time.    This technique is based on an advanced psychology which now made simple for everyone to apply.   This technique will help to remove anxiety and the result will last a lifetime.

Over the past few years the Panic Away system became one of the most popular treatments for panic attacks, and was helpful for more than 40,000 people to fully recover from Panic Attacks and General Anxiety.

The program is designed to tackle the general anxiety (GAD) by releasing calm into your body through specific exercises. The program uses holistic techniques that are focused on acceptance and visualization. The exercises described are mental exercises and physical exercises that are easily done in chunks of time and aren't overwhelming.  The technique can be used anywhere to unroot the 'cause' of the panic attacks and is known as panic attack symptoms treatment

‘Panic away' provides guidance to stop a panic attack in less than one minute. If you are interested to stop panic attack download the details at