Different aspects trigger sexual addiction, otherwise known as sexual compulsivity. The obsession to sexually abnormal display is a complicated topic and can comparatively be qualified to a single cause . Sex compulsion could be a accumulation of different factors at once , such as emotional trauma.
In general , the basis of sexual compulsivity may be classified into three : biological, psychological, and spiritual.
Biologically means , a biochemical process in the brain, affecting the pleasure and reward pathways, may initiate sexual dependence. Researched illustrate that food, drug abuse, and sexual interests share a common pathway within the brains’ survival and reward systems. Sex and food are very alike in this sense as they are probably the most basic and fundamental human drives. Think about that without eating we would starve to death and without sex we would no longer continue our DNA into the future . Brain chemistry has fashioned sophisticated reward systems to motivate this purpose directed behavior. Sexual activities prompt the natural opioids and dopamine that produce intense satisfaction and excitement accentuating the addiction and the likelihood of prolonged behavior . Fascinatingly, modern brain imaging demonstrates us that the brain when sexually aroused looks quite similar to a brain under the influence of cocaine. No wonder the drive for having sex is so powerful . This gives us reasons why even goal-directed people can be equally indulge into sexual activities and seeks help. Their brains have been taken control.
Psychologically, the sexual addicts resort to this inappropriate sexual activities to overcome physical, emotional, sexual abuse. The majority of accounted sexual addicts link up stories of the past that contain these psychological exploitation and traumas . Emotionally for the sex addict, sex is not really about sex but a means to provide an false impression of assertion, a mask of control and connection in a secure atmosphere. The sexual "fix" has become the source of pleasure and a means of staying away from negative feeling, a coping mechanism to fight stress , work difficulties , interpersonal, psychological, and emotional problems. Researched reveal that majority sex addicts come from dysfunctional families. The result of one study show that 72% of sex addicts had been physically abused in childhood, 81% had been sexually abused, and 97% emotionally abused. Patrick Carnes’ research also indicates that 87% of the families of sexual addicts involved more than one addict in the home and a large number of them grew up in a firm family system, disengaged family system, or both a strict and disengaged family system. The connotation is that a lot of sex addicts come from families where their emotional needs were not met . They source out other things to avoid awful childhood experiences.
Spiritually, sex addiction provides for the illusion that pleasing comfort, love, and security can be fulfilled separately from God. What need do they have for God if a sexual fix" is all that they need?.The dependence becomes the God that calms , awaken, or assists the sex addict break away from the trouble. So long as sex is an alternative the addict can live in the delusion of in control and is not likely to admit defeat and surrender spiritually essential to feel a true spiritual experience.
These basis are many and usually overlap depending on the situation of the sexual addict. This is why treatment of a sex addict involves much effort and support not only from the individual but also his or her families. Support and encouragement from 12 step groups and a recovery community, group therapy, and even family and friends all helps in the the treatment of the sex addict and support in the healing process . Understanding Sex Addiction
Different reasons causes sexual addiction, otherwise known as sexual compulsivity. addiction to sexually compulsive action is a difficult to understand matter and can comparatively be attributed to a single cause . Sexual compulsion might be brought by different situation build up over time, such as early exposure of an individual to inappropriate behavior traumatic experiences during childhood .
Usually, the causes of sexual addiction may be classified into three : biological, psychological, and spiritual.
Biologically is , a biochemical process in the brain, affecting the pleasure and reward pathways, may initiate sexual addiction . Studies show that food, drug abuse, and sexual interests share a common pathway within the brains’ survival and reward systems. Sex and food are parallel in this sense as they are almost certainly the most basic and fundamental human drives. Consider that without eating we would starve to death and the absence of sexual intercourse we would no longer continue our DNA into the future . Brain chemistry has created sophisticated reward systems to encourage this goal directed behavior. Sex triggers the natural opioids and dopamine that produce severe satisfaction and euphoria accentuating the addiction and the likelihood of continued behavior . Interestingly , modern brain imaging demonstrates us that the brain when sexually aroused looks nearly identical to a brain under the influence of cocaine. No wonder the drive for having sex is so powerful . It made clear why even competent people can be equally indulge into sexual activities and seeks help. Their brains have been taken control.
Psychologically, the sex addicts opted this sexual activities to overcome physical, emotional, sexual abuse. The majority of reported sex addicts narrate histories that include these psychological exploitation and suffering . Emotionally for the sex addict, engaging into sex is not really about sex but a way to provide an illusion of affirmation , a guise of control and connection in a secure environment . The sexual fix has become the source of pleasure and a means of staying away from negative feeling, a survival mechanism to combat anxiety, pressure from work, interpersonal, psychological, and emotional problems. Studies show that majority sex addicts come from dysfunctional families. The result of one study show that 72% of sex addicts had been physically abused in childhood, 81% had been sexually abused, and 97% emotionally abused. Patrick Carnes’ research also indicates that 87% of the families of sexual addicts included more than one addict in the home and a vast majority of the sexual addicts grew up in a strict family system, disengaged family system, or both a strict and disengaged family system. The connotation is that a lot of sex addicts come from families where their emotional needs were not met . They learn to resort to other things to forget a traumatic experience they had .
Spiritually, sexual addiction provides for the delusion that satisfying comfort, love, and security can be fulfilled separately from God. What need do they have for God if a sexual fix is all that they need?.The addiction becomes the God that consoles , awaken, or aids the sex addict escape the present moment . As long as engaging to sexual activity is an option the addict can live in the illusion of in command and is not likely to surrender spiritually necessary to experience a true spiritual experience.
These basis are a lot and typically overlap basing on the conditions of the sex addict. The reason why treatment of a sex addict entails much effort and support not only from the individual but also his or her families. Support and encouragement from 12 step groups and a recovery community, group therapy, and even family and friends all helps in the the recovery of the sex addict and assist in the healing method .