Fir Therapy Gloves, a Safe, Natural Health Care Treatment. How to Prevent Carpal Tunnel Injury?We all know someone who is struggling to cope with the agony of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. But did you know that by observing a few simple, preventative measures we can help avoid suffering the agonizing pain of carpal tunnel? Orthopedic specialists recommend that the best preventative measure is wearing mildly-compressive far infrared therapy garments specially designed to align your hands and wrists when working at repetitive tasks by correctly supporting wrist movements. This gently compressive support is particularly important during those activities which require up-and down or side-to–side movements of your wrist. Further, when working at your computer your wrists should be approximately parallel with your elbows maintaining a 90 degree angle to your keyboard or work surface. Choose specially-designed supportive therapy garments, such as thermal therapy gloves and wrist body bands to encourage your hands to maintain a natural, relaxed and open posture when using the mouse. It’s also important that you don’t grip the mouse between your thumb and little fingers. Generally, wrist rests should be avoided because of the awkward position they create for your lower arm and it’s best to keep the mouse close to your keyboard to help maintain a relaxed upper body posture. This also encourages you to use your entire arm to move your mouse rather than wrist-straining side-to-side movements. Avoid tight, high-level compression wrist braces or bandaging because this restrictive type of brace only worsens the pain and injury already caused by compression to the nerve. Instead, choose gentle, soothing support which assists the body's natural healing process. For this reason health gloves and wrist bands with thermal properties are ideal. Orthopedic specialist and physiotherapists suggest you avoid resting your wrists on hard surfaces for extended periods, that you choose tools that are ergonomically designed for ease of use and to change hands regularly during repetitive tasks. Activities such as writing, typing, those that involve forceful or repetitive finger or wrist action and the use of vibrating power tools can also increase your risk of developing CTS. In the workplace, regularly perform gentle hand stretching exercises, be sure to take frequent rest breaks, and most importantly, wear supportive therapy garments to maintain optimum wrist position and avoid tendon strain. Studies show that adapting your workplace conditions and job demands to your own capabilities will also help reduce your risk of developing carpal tunnel injury. Further, desk and chair height, workstations, the position of your computer keyboard and the tasks you perform should all be individually adjusted to encourage your wrists to maintain a healthy and natural position. It is also worth while knowing that some health conditions, such as arthritis, diabetes, pregnancy, thyroid complaints, poor circulation and being over-weight may make you more susceptible to developing carpal tunnel injury. Fortunately, research shows far infrared therapy garments are proven safe and effective pain management tools for these serious health complaints, too. So, by simply paying attention to these very easy strategies, as well as taking some simple and effective preventative measures, you can prevent the strain and injury of this debilitating and painful injury. |