Ocular Migraines: What it is?

Ocular migraines, or acephalgic migraines, are migraines where you have the symptoms of the aura, but the pain of the headache never comes.Ocular migraineshave the same triggers as any other migraines, and will respond to the same treatment. Exposure to prolonged migrainous aura puts you at risk for stroke and for white matter lesions on the brain.Ocular migrainescause temporary vision loss or distortion in one eye, usually accompanied or followed by a headache. They are also called retinal or ophthalmic migraines.

Ocular migrainesmay be more common in
• Women
• People under 40
• People who have a personal or family history of migraines or other headaches
• People who have diseases like lupus, hardening of the arteries, sickle cell disease, epilepsy, and depression.

Stress and changes in the menstrual cycle of women are believed to be associated withocular migraines. In addition, some foods may act as triggers. These foods include caffeine, chocolate, aged cheeses, rich meat, and red wine. If a patient has severe ocular migraines accompanied by intense pain, a neurologist may lead the patient on an elimination diet, to determine which food is acting as a trigger. Patients who experience no pain may choose to go on an elimination diet as well, since ocular migraines can be very disruptive to daily life.

Ocular migrainesare not anything like your typical "migraine" headache.Ocular migrainesaffect only one eye, and after your vision is impacted a normal headache is likely to follow. Those of you familiar with regular "migraines" may have experienced an aura in your vision right before your headache strikes - this affects both eyes and is not a symptom ofocular migraines.

Visit Ocular Migraines website for more information about ocular migraines natural remedies and treatments.