A Powerful Way To Overcome Anxiety

For many anxiety sufferers the idea of leaving it behind and having a normal life again seems like a distant dream. One of the real challenges of anxiety is that it tends to be self reinforcing which means it tends to make itself worse. When you get caught in this trap it can be hard to get out. To add fuel to the fire, most modern doctors believe that the answer lies in pills and in numbing your mind to the point where you cannot think anymore.

The truth, even though its not always that nice to hear, is that you and only you are the cause and the cure of your anxiety. It can be tough to admit is because its easy to find the reasons why you are anxiety. Its easy to point the finger at other people and what they may or may not have done to you as the cause and although it may be true, it won't help you get better.

The first step is to accept total responsibility for your anxiety. Although other people, events or circumstances may have caused it, its still your "stuff" and only when you accept responsibility can you start to change it.

When you become responsible, you become the cure. By always blaming something else, it remains outside of you and it always remains at the mercy of someone else. The blame game is a never ending loop and no matter how much you blame, it will never cure anxiety. In fact, it only makes it worse.

As long as you blame something outside yourself you don't have the power to heal yourself because you will always look for a cure somewhere "out there". The truth is that your anxiety lives in your mind. No one else is responsible for that but you. Whoever put it there has nothing to do with getting better. Blame has the tendency to drain you emotionally and suck up your will to get better.

When you accept total responsibility, you turn your energy inwards and you activate that part of your brain that can help you overcome anxiety. You can lie on a coach all day long and analyze why you are anxious, but unless you accept it as yours it won't make you any better.