Hemorrhoids Herbal Treatment - 2 Herbal Cures For Your Relief

Herbal hemorrhoids treatment tends to be more popular than any other natural medicines.  They are safer because they don't manifest side effects whether applied topically or taken as orally.

Recommendations to integrate fibre in your diet are great in maintaining a properly functioning digestive system. However, if a sufferer's piles are getting worse, taking some form of fast acting hemorrhoids herbal treatment, will provide quick relief to the person affected.

The following are two of the most recommended herbal medicines to choose as your form of herbal hemorrhoids treatment. Read each description properly; find out which herb is readily available to you to make sure you can have continuous treatment for as long as you need it.

1. Plantains

Plantains have strong traditional track record as fast acting herbal cures. Actually, this herb is basically a green banana variety which contains less sugar content than the yellow type of banana.

Obviously, you will have no problems when it comes to availability. This is not recommended to be eaten raw even as a medication. Usually cooked by boiling, grilling or frying processes, plantains can be consumed as a potent source of vitamin A and fibre.

The nutrients provide tissue-strengthening elements and energy, with its ability to supply more than 100 units of calories. Thus, its healing properties mainly provide rapid repair of damaged tissues in the affected parts, as well as quick recovery from the debilitating effects of hemorrhoid discomfort.

Research studies about its multi-faceted healing properties include anti-inflammatory effects. Due to these qualities, cooked plantain can be taken orally as medicinal food and can also be applied externally on the affected part. Pound it into some form of compress to stop external bleeding.

2. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is another traditionally proven herbal hemorrhoids treatment with superior healing effects. It can be taken both orally as juice or applied externally as a soothing balm.

Some words of caution though, do not attempt to concoct your own juice if you do not have sufficient knowledge on how it is prepared. Aloe Vera contains potent vitamins and minerals as well as plant enzymes that enable it to furnish superior laxative effects.

It would be a better alternative to buy it in juice form from health stores or in measurable powdered form to be taken as tea. Suggestions for its dosage are about 0.05 to 0.2 grams.

If applied externally, the fresh gel extracted from its succulent leaf can be applied directly on the piles. The sufferer can derive fast acting relief from the swelling and itching sensations.

Although generally proven as safe, your actual health condition can still be affected by the potency of their ingredients. Consult with your physician first, whether you are in the right elements to use them as your herbal hemorrhoids treatment.

Both herbal cures are effective; you simply need to choose which one will suit your budget and your lifestyle.