How to Cure Anxiety Problems

Anxiety problems can overwhelm us and leave us feeling out of control. They feel as though we are driven to act like this, strengthen with every 'attack' and lead to constant searching for reasons and answers. Involving self-doubt, insecurity and fear, anxiety problems can appear too powerful to deal with.
However, there is a way to understand these problems that takes away much of this power - to know what they really are, how they work and why we get them. And with this insight it is possible to cure anxiety problems naturally ourselves, without deep therapy or medication; to stop them completely and permanently at their very core.

We cannot fight the unknown ...

The key to curing anxiety problems lies in understanding how they work. Like everything in life, when we know how and why something works we know how to master it. To try and overcome these problems without this understanding is exceptionally difficult for whatever we may try, as soon as any symptoms occur, we think that it's not working, that it cannot be the answer and continue the never-ending search for the 'real answer'.

For Example:
Nervousness and anxiety are profoundly helped by relaxation, and learning to be calm. There is no doubt about this - a relaxed body (and mind) cannot be tense and nervous for they are physiological opposites. Relaxation really is calming - it is impossible to be relaxed and anxious at the same time. But many of us just cannot do this, for at the back of our mind lies the self-doubt; the 'what is wrong with me' fears that defeat all the efforts we make.

A specific type of self-doubt lies at the heart of all anxiety problems, ranging from nervousness and worrying to anxiety disorders and depression. When we truly understand this self-doubt and how we get it, we can remove excessive anxiety (and all the problems it causes) from our lives.

The answer to every single anxiety-related problem there is, lies in moving through this self-doubt into self-confidence. And to be able to do this, we have to know what is happening and why.

Let's look more closely at anxiety problems:

Anxiety is characterized by physical symptoms such as faster heartbeat, fast breathing, being jittery, on edge, trembling etc.and symptoms of thinking including excessive worrying, planning and apprehension.
It is a protection mechanism that has evolved over millions of years; serving to warn us that we are about to be hurt and to prepare us for action. And it does this in 2 main ways:-

1. Our thoughts: We think about potential situations before we get to them - the greatest form of protection is not to get into the situation in the first place. This is something seen in many anxiety-related problems, where we will often avoid bsituations that make us feel afraid.

2. Our Body: Prepares us for action: the fight-or-flight response. We are charged with energy ready to fight or flee. This response is responsible for all the physical symptoms of anxiety that we experience.

All anxiety problems stem from these two actions:
The first one relates to problems involving excessive and obsessive thinking, planning and worrying - it forms the basis of anxiety disorders such as: OCD, GAD and depression.
The second one relates to the physical nervousness (being jittery/jumpy/on-edge) we feel, the preparation for action, and is the basis for social phobias (indeed all phobias) and panic disorder.

Everybody has anxiety... but for some of us, it can come to be with us more intensely, occur more easily and more often; it can become more powerful and give rise to problems involving such things as persistent worrying and apprehension, obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviour, phobias, panic and depression.

Given a certain series of events, conditions and circumstances every single person on the planet can become permanently apprehensive, constantly anxious to some degree, for these problems reflect the way we all work as human beings.
These situations usually involve stress, danger and self-doubt ... self-doubt about our ability to cope and our safety.

Self-doubt ... the more we have, the greater our anxiety (problem).

When we look closely at anxiety-related problems, we see that they are not:-

* Diseases
* Mental illness
* Due to chemical imbalance
* Caused by our genes

Indeed, these problems are not even 'disorders' (our mind and body are totally ordered in what they are trying to do) and they most certainly aren't irrational - they exist for the most rational reason there will ever be.

Anxiety and panic are there to protect us. If this protection doesn't work - extreme anxiety and nervousness, chronic worrying, fears and phobias, obsessions and compulsions or severe depression and more can develop.
All these problems reflect our inner-self's attempts to protect us - to protect us because of how we feel about ourselves ... once we understand this, there is a real cure.