How Hyperhidrosis Iontophoresis Therapy Works

Hyperhidrosis Iontophoresis Therapy is a treatment used to help people who suffer from localised Hyperhidrosis either in their hands or feet. Sweaty hands can be a massive problem and few people can imagine something more embarrassing than having to shake hands with someone whilst your hands are sweaty. Hyperhidrosis Iontophoresis Therapy is a simple non-invasive way to treat this embarrassing problem with very little side effects. I will not go on to explain how it works.

Hyperhidrosis Iontophoresis Therapy works by attaching electrical pads to the affected area; either your hands or your feet. It then uses the principle of electrolysis to block the sweat producing glands in the affected area. Although this may sound futuristic and dangerous, it is a well known and well tolerated procedure which has been in use since 1952 and it always yields great results.

Although everyone is different and everyone sweats different amounts, for the best results use the device a few times per week in 30 minute applications. This should help to subside your sweating with minimal affect to your lifestyle. You should also set the current to between 15 and 20 mA for best results.

Many people won't suffer any side effects from Hyperhidrosis Iontophoresis Therapy although these are some common ones from people who do have: dry skin, irritation, stinging and redness. If you do suffer from any of these side effects it is important that you stop using the device and if your symptoms don't subside visit your Doctor. It is also important to visit your Doctor before you start a course of any therapy to make sure that you don't have any allergies to the materials used in the device.