Anti Anxiety Techniques - Try These 2 FREE Anti Anxiety Techniques For Instant Relief

If you have been suffering fromanxiety disorder symptomsthen you know first hand this condition is not only serious, but quite common. In-fact, anxiety is in the top position for mental health problem world wide, and particularly it tends to effects women mostly. Even though this is a serious condition it can actually be successfully treated with variousanti-anxiety techniques.

If your current treatment is not working, or your just are not doing anything about your anxiety disorder symptoms, then it is probably time you put a plan into place and try ed some effective anti anxiety techniques. 2 of the best are listed for your convenience below.

Relaxing or calming music makes incredible difference to your mood, try listening to some.

We listen to music for different kinds of reasons. Dancing and grooving to the beat are 2. Then there are those who find that soothing music calms their whole body physically and mentally.The latter is what we are after when it comes to using music as a form of therapy for individuals with anxiety disorders symptoms.

Studies have shown that listening to soft relaxing sounds can reduce the heart rate and increase the body's temperature both of which are signs of relaxation. Not all kinds of music though can be relaxing obviously.

No matter how you like rock music it is not a good genre to listen to if you want to chase the stress away. You should also avoid listening to music or songs that remind you of sad events. Doing so will defeat the purpose of music therapy.

Try oriental music, the ones used by Buddhism practitioners You can also try Celtic music. You can also buy CDs that replicate the sound of nature such as the sound of ocean waves or of rain.

A simpler technique that you can use is deep breathing.

Many of us are breathing shallowly or breathing only from our chest. This is not the best way to breathe. People under stress breathe in a very poor manner. To counter stress, you must deliberately change the way you are conditioned to breathe. You should start breathing from your abdomen and not from your chest. Let your belly rise and fall as you inhale and exhale. This is a FREE technique that anyone suffering from an anxiety disorder should try.