Medical professionals, for years, were under the assumption that schizophrenia and bipolar were two diseases with very comparable symptoms. German psychiatrist Eric Kraepelin said that the illnesses were very different mental disorders. Separation of the two diseases still exists even today thanks to Kraepelin.
People need to understand that these two diseases are very hard to distinguish from one another because they do have the same symptoms and signs which makes it difficult for psychiatrists not to make mistakes in diagnosis.
However, brain specialists and some psychiatrists have narrowed down the signs of both bipolar disorder and schizophrenia and are able to form a base for their diagnosis.
Bipolar vs Schizophrenia -
Bipolar people can have schizophrenia-like hallucinations or delusions. The difference between the two though is that bipolar in its form is constant or rather chronic. In schizophrenia, there are signs of depressive and manic episodes like the ones in found in bipolar disorder.
Due to their similarities, it would be difficult for a family member or non-medical professional make the distinction between the two. There have been cases where some psychiatrists have made mistakes as well. There are also cases where severe schizophrenia have resembled severe cases of the highs and lows of bipolar disorder.
Researchers have found that genetics play a major factor for both diseases. This fact means medical professionals can find a considerable difference between the two by studying patient's genetics.
Bipolar vs Schizophrenia - Treatments for Mental Illnesses
Available today are treatments for both illnesses that can successfully help in managaing bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Psychotherapy along with medications that can change the chemistry of the brain go a long way in managing the illnesses.
The medicines along with talk therapy sessions help to stabilize the functions in the brain thus lessening the signs and symptoms effects.
Note: Remember that since bipolar disorder and schizophrenia are very close together in the way they present themselves, it is not hard for even a medical professional to mistake them. Medicines given for one when the patient has the other disease will not work. This is when the patient would need to speak with the physician about the issue. If he or she is unable to speak about it, a trusting relative should.
One of the more popular drugs given to schizophrenia patients is Clorazil. It designed especially for schizophrenia and should never be given to bipolar patients. It is intended for them to get their brain functions under control.
Those who suffer from bipolar disorder are often prescribed Lithium which is a very effective drug that keeps manic episodes from reoccurrence. For those who have fast cycling bipolar illness, specialist like to give Valproic acid. This can be good for regular cycling bipolar too.
It is important that a person suffering from either these two diseases or a trusted friend or relative choose a doctor that can be entrusted to care for the patient or loved one. They must be well-recognized in the field of mental illnesses. By choosing the right doctor, the patient will get the right form of treatment necessary for their recovery and medications to help it along.
Schizophrenia and bipolar should be diagnosed as early as possible for the treatment to be more valuable.
Since these two mental diseases can cripple your life and make you an "unproductive" member of society, it is best to get treated as soon as you or someone else suspects something. If not, it will worsen over time and greatly affect how you live, work, and relate to friends, family and the outside world.