How to Control Panic Attacks

No matter if you suffer from an anxiety disorder or acute stress, panic attacks can be controlled without the use of medication. It takes time and effort, but it can be done.

First, you need to learn the signs of an impending panic attack. They are different for everyone. Some get a tingling sensation in their limbs, while others get a nauseated feeling in their chest, or the person can get a laundry list of symptoms. When a panic attack occurs, take note of all of the symptoms so that you can be prepared for next time.

As soon as you start to feel the warning signs, it is time to remove yourself from the situation. Find a place, such as a bathroom or your car, where you can calm down in private. Make sure the place you choose makes you feel secure and in control.

Once you are in a secure place, use a calming technique, such as use breathing. One breathing technique that can be used is called patterned breathing. This technique is taught in Lamaze classes to help with the pain of pregnancy, but it can also help to calm a body in the midst of an anxiety attack. Another breathing technique is called focused breathing. This technique is where the person concentrates on nothing but their breathing for five minutes.

Some find it useful to create a ritual that calms them during anxiety attacks. A ritual works for an adult much like sucking a thumb works for a toddler. It is simply a repetitive movement that takes the mind from the stress and comforts the individual.

A ritual that is popular with those who struggle with anxiety is rubbing a worry stone. Worry stones are smooth pebbles that a person keeps in his pocket to rub or "worry" with his thumb. Swatches of fabric, change, and stress balls can work just as well as a worry stone, depending on the preference of the person.

Using these techniques, a person can become much more in control of their anxiety attacks.

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