Sample Template of an Authentic Looking Doctor's Note

Many students and professionals today live such busy lives that they suffer from chronic, stress related problems like headaches, dizzy spells, stiff neck, back pains, and so on. The problem is, they spend too much time studying or working. As a result, their health suffers.

So they start visiting doctors to get doctor's excuse notes in order to be able to get some rest. But this doesn't solve their problem. You see, first of all, even a short doctor's consultation costs money. And some students who may be on a tight budget may be unwilling to spend such money. Moreover, why wait until one's health really suffers before doing anything? Isn't prevention better than cure? It sure is.

But this is easier said than done. Preventing health problems is only possible with adequate rest. However, in many circumstances, it's almost impossible to get the rest that the body sorely needs.

For example, a student's schedule may be jam packed with lectures and tutorials. And attendance is compulsory. Without a certain percentage of attendance, the student won't get to graduate. The same goes for working adults. Absence often affects staff reviews. So most people push themselves to the limit even when their body is telling them to stop.

So what to do?

Some people have discovered downloadable doctor's excuse notes online. These are authentic looking excuse notes that may pass off as the real thing. They cost very little, and covers a wide variety of illnesses. That means one will never run out of excuses.

Once downloaded into your computer, these excuse notes are printable and can be reused again and again. Mostly, they are template based, so you can modify them according to your own needs. There are excuse notes from general practitioners (the most common physicians), hospitals, and even specialists.

A template based doctor's excuse note means that you will be able to find authentic looking logos, great visual resemblance for the overall look and feel, and a doctor's signature. These notes even come with the names of different illnesses printed on them.

When you get hold of these printable excuse notes, don't just go out and submit the same excuse note over and over again. That is a sure way of getting caught. Instead, use them only when necessary - i.e. when you really feel you need the rest but somehow, the circumstances do not allow you to.

There are so many different types of illnesses and excuse notes available that it would actually be silly to just use the same one repeatedly. Rotate the notes so as not to raise any suspicion.

Finally, do remember to check the excuse notes before submitting them to the relevant personnel. Sometimes, there may be gender based illnesses printed on these notes, and you don't want to submit a female related illness as an excuse when you are a male. That is a dead giveaway. But when used correctly, these doctor's notes really work. They will give you the ample rest that you need so that you can accomplish more in the long run.