The Cleansing Cry

The other day some one asked me how often I laugh? I responded by saying, "Everyday.  Laughing is beneficial to your health.  It has been said that laughing for 10 minutes heartily is equivalent to 10 minutes of moderate jogging, If laughing is beneficial to your health, what are the benefits of crying? That's a good question and I am glad you asked...which is exactly why I wrote this brief poem, "The Cleansing Cry":

Tear drops saturate our beds, as beads of sweat roll off our heads
our heart is pounding but what do we do? grab a pill or cry our way through
We clench our teeth as we gasp for air, we feel our body trembling every where
But the tears won't stop, we grab anything to catch the drops.  And as the rivers of tears flow
tranquility sets in, then a glow.
See tears are what we need, to plant the cleansing seed for with each drop brings peace and serenity
A cleansing cry for better health is nature's cure, for the tears that flow are pure
For sorrows will come and sorrows will go what we do with our sorrow determines the flow
yes, the stream of tears running down our eyes is part of our healing and should be no surprise.
So what do we do? when we need to cry
We let the tear drops fall and drop the disguise
Yes, the manly mask that some of us wear to protect the fact that we care
Or protect our manhood that's a common one, sneeze blow our nose and say we're good
like clouds produce rain from above the cleansing cry when in love some wail some don't tell
some hold it in, it's the smart ones that let the tears win.
Like rain drops dripping from the skies above, we will all cry at some time
But to say you have never cried is to say you have never lived.
For water has always been a life force. It must come in and must go out
For those who say they have never cried, I say you have never lived.

Ron Henderson,