Anti Anxiety Techniques that Bring Instant Gratification
When I say anti anxiety, I had to take a step back and think about it. Is there anyone that is pro anxiety? If so many people want to live a stress-free, anti anxiety life, why is depression and anxiety one of the leading diseases out there? In most cases, people develop anxiety because they don't perceive themselves to have the resources or capability of eliminating the stressor in their life. If the thing that is stressing you won't go away like the mess in your garage or the pile of papers at work then using these techniques to cope will help you relax and handle anything that comes your way. Breathing exercises- Try breathing deeply from the stomach and not the chest. Plus, breathing from your abdomen will help decrease the production of stress hormones. Progressive relaxation- I like to call this one "relaxation through tension." Lay down somewhere quiet and slowly tighten your toes, ankles, calves, knees and thighs. Let go and breathe nice deep breaths. Now go all the way up the body to your torso, back, chest, arms, wrists, and make fists with your hands. Let go and breathe. Clench your jaw, purse your lips and squeeze our eyes and forehead. Let go and breathe. Slowly let yourself sink into the spot you are resting. Letting all the tension melt off your body.
Exercise- Exercise acts the same way as stress. Your heart starts beating faster and you have an adrenaline rush. You can use the adrenaline of stress to help you with a healthy activity like exercising. When you're done, your body tends to relax and slow down. Humor- This one is too good to forget. Try to find the humor in any given situation. Granted, for a death or accident this might not be appropriate, but in any other case the hormones created from laughter will help your body relax and feel good.
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