Dyslexia: Why Dyslexia Is Inevitable

The human brain is what makes us special from other creatures and is the main reason why we are the dominant species in the planet. It is what allows us to think logically. One expression of how logical a human mind works is through the use of language. However, the brain is very complex and because complexity comes together with variation, variations of the human brain are bound to arise, including how language is processed.

In the book " How the Mind Works ", written by the famous scientist Steven Pinker, the brain is described to be akin to a computer and its many specialized parts which cooperate and function as a whole. It is the interaction between these special parts that allow us to think logically and differentiate us from any other living thing. Make a slight change in the structure of one of these parts and the brain will function differently.

Arguably one of the greatest philosophers of the 20th century, Ludwig Wittgenstein, stated that human language is an expression of relative logic.  Looking at a brain scan, whenever a person engages in language, the brain displays activity on the left side of the brain which is associated with logic and language. However, there are differences on how language is processed by a Dyslexic brain. While non-Dyslexics only use the left side of the brain for language, a Dyslexic engaged in language will display activity on both sides of the brain. This is considered as one reason why Dyslexics have creative strengths since the right hemisphere of the brain is associated with arts and creativity.

Complexity and variation goes hand in hand like two different sides of the same coin. If there is complexity, variations are inevitable. The brain is an amazingly complex biological computer which is therefore, prone to slight variations. This includes affecting the language centers and the performance of language processing as well – reading & writing. Some people label these brain types as Dyslexics .

As language is a logical brain function and the brain is very complex, it is highly likely that some individuals will experience challenges when expressing themselves to others. One such variation has been labeled as Dyslexia. Although I believe this is inevitable, it can also be overcome using advancements in technology.

My name is Karl, and I'm a Dyslexic. For the last 5 years, I believe I have discovered how to overcome many of the typical problems of Dyslexia. I want to show you how, to increase awareness and understanding of our brain type. I believe Dyslexia isn't a disability, because nowadays, it's no longer preventing success in life, however you measure it.