Autism Teaching Strategies - Increasing Success in Your Autistic Child

Autism Teaching Strategies

As you may can identify there are several autism intervention strategies on hand to you. However, multi can be a simple fad that may have seemed to directed among one or two children, but because of the references and the would like of parents to want to "cure" such a child, properties may try roughly anything. Intervention teaching strategies that have worked and continue to work are those that have been researched and proven to help many times.

Can you guess what this may be? It is Applied Behavior Analysis, also known as ABA. This intervention method is based on applying the principles of behavior into teaching skills that promote behavior change to individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This autism intervention or ABA can be used to teach many skills that are broken down into smaller sub skills. These sub skills are taught by using behavior change techniques such as positive reinforcement, fading, shaping (chaining), and prompting. Autism Teaching Strategies

The most important and primary factor in teaching new skills is the use of positive reinforcement. Positive reinforcement is the method of providing an individual with something that will increase the probability of the behavior to occur again. Some think this is as simple as giving a reward, but what may be rewarding to one, may not be rewarding to another.

An example of this autism intervention strategy is that a child may be given a piece of candy for saying, "hi" to another individual. If the child likes candy he/she may begin to say "hi" more often; if the child does not like candy, the probability of the child increasing that behavior is not likely. It is important to have many different reinforcers (motivators) available when teaching and maintaining skills learned. Don't let your child suffer anymore! Lead your child out of his world through Autism Teaching Strategies program now!