How to Get Rid of a Black Eye

Black Eyes

A black eye is the result of a contusion, which is a fancy name for a bruise. Bruises occur whenever your body takes a sharp blow that breaks capillaries and causes blood to leak into surrounding tissues, collecting at the point of damage. Eventually, when blood leaks into the top layer of skin, it shows as purple. For some reason, when you get that purple bruising around an eye, people call it a black eye.

How To Get Rid of Black Eyes

Medically known as a periorbital hematoma (HE-muh-TOW-muh) a black eye is caused by bleeding underneath the skin around the eye. Black eyes are caused by a strong blow to the area surrounding the eye or the eye itself. The blood underneath the eye that gives the eye it's black , blue or purple like appearance is called the contusion.

Sleep: To keep from being uncomfortable while sleeping try to keep your head raised on two to three pillows or whatever is comfortable to you and will allow you to do so.

Identify allergens. Allergies may be the most common cause of skin discoloration under the eyes. If allergies are the root of your problem, you simply need to treat them or remove the allergen (i.e., the thing to which you are allergic). Seasonal allergy problems such as the hay fever can frequently be effectively treated with over-the-counter and prescription medications.

Treat your skin while you sleep. There are overnight facial masques available that may help reduce the appearance of puffiness or discoloration, but you can also make your own. Just before you go to bed, take a washcloth and wet it just a bit with cold water.

Pain Treatments

First thing- do not use aspirin for pain treatment, because aspirin is anticoagulant and this is why it is harder to stop hemorrhaging which causes discoloration.

To reduce the swelling, use ice packs. Also castor oil is good for that- gently rub it on your black eye. And another useful advice: put raw beef stakes on your black eye. This should also help. To remind you, this black eye won’t disappear over night.

Black Eye Remedies

Black eyes commonly last for about a week. Should the above procedure not put you on the road to wellness after a few days, see a doctor. And certainly see a doctor if the blow to your anatomy results in blurred vision, pain in and around the eye, light sensitivity, or "floaters" in your field of vision.

As for the embarrassment of explaining a black eye (people always assume, for some reason, it's the result of a well-placed knuckle sandwich), work on some excuses ahead of time.

Treat your skin while you sleep. There are overnight facial masques available that may help reduce the appearance of puffiness or discoloration, but you can also make your own. Just before you go to bed, take a washcloth and wet it just a bit with cold water. Then squeeze out any excess water and place it over your eyes as you sleep.

Put a cold compress on it, use a zip lock bag and put ice in it, and put a wash cloth over the bag, it depends how hard u got hit, it may turn purple, then when it starts to heal, it will lighten up to yellow.