Reach Success and Be an Inspiration Through Being Dominant the Way I Advocate Here

In this article I will present to you the idea that taking up space really is not a problem, but instead good for anyone involved, and everyone around, if you just DO IT. I hope my method of being dominant helps you reach success - and helps you inspire other people to do the same.

What do you do if you, in terms of evolution, stand still? You die. Contemplate that for a second... stagnancy equals death. this might not be real death -- where you die per se -- but could be psychological death....But -- answer this only if you have experienced a depression in your life -- is psychological not as close to death as you could imagine anything coming..? To me it is. So, if you want to reach success, standing still is simply not an option - you have to move.

This means that, no matter how scary it seems or how much you think you are going to irritate people - you have to be ready to form. Be ready/willing to form, or be formed. What keeps people from doing it - being dominant; keeps them from fully doing their own thing whatever other people think of it - is that it somehow will damage other people. But is that true, or simply a preconceived notion that is just not true..? I think, if done in an honest way -- where you simply DO IT, with no second thoughts, as opposed to making a big thing out of you doing your own thing; thinking you are cool for doing it -- I think it does not at all irritate people... but, on the contrary, it inspires people -- it will inspire all the others who thought the same things, but now see it can be done without being a jackass to anyone! So, if anything, you will be an inspiration. Quite a turnaround huh..?

So the next time you are thinking of taking that big step - whatever that may be for you; it does not matter what it is, as it apparently is important enough to you to call it a big step -- just take it. The next time the thought of realizing a dream comes up in your head, disregard any thoughts that tell you you should not do it - and, it would be an honor if you did use the arguments I have stated here for taking that big step. I hope you are dominant and reach success!