Brain Exercise for Greater Mental Power

Brain exercise may simply be a new fad or a real way to avoid Alzheimer’s, aphasia and memory loss that typically accompanies the aging process. If you look at all of the combined research, it appears that the effective brain exercizes are those that are new to you.

For example, if you currently work Sudoku puzzles and you’ve been doing them for years, you need a different brain exercise. If you currently play the same video game over and over again, try a different one.

You see, in order to be effective, brain exercizes need to be “novel” or new. They should be challenging, but not stressful. New neurons are produced on a daily basis, but stress affects their ability to function and their longevity. If you want those new brain-cells to “live”, you need to avoid stress.

So, one of the most effective brain exercizes, particularly for people with stressful jobs or lifestyles is regular relaxation therapy. If you have a stressful job, take at least a half an hour of “down-time” during the day. Here’s one technique you can practice.

Sit in a dimly lit room with your eyes closed. Picture a pleasant scene, such as a beach or a lake. Try not to imagine a sporting event or a game. They can increase your heart rate.

Breathe in for a count of three and hold for a count of four and release the breath slowly. Try not to “think”. Only “look” at the picture in your mind. Try to imagine the way that the sand and the breeze feel. Play a CD with recorded wave sounds, if you have trouble imagining.

Stress management is an important part of any brain exercise routine, but not the only part. You also need regular physical activity. If you are sedentary, start out with a 30 minute walk, three times a week and build up.

You see, there are no brain exercizes that work alone or for everyone. There are a combination of techniques that will improve your mood, your memory and the production of new neurons or brain cells.

Physical activity increases the production of neurons. An effective brain exercise can determine how long those neurons live and what they will be used for. But, you need to learn something “new”.

If the pathways are to remain open and the effect is to be long-term, your brain exercizes must allow you to learn something new or present new challenges. When you shop around, you will see that some software packages are accompanied by disclaimers; “results may vary”.

That’s an honest statement. Your results will depend on how challenged you are, how much physical activity you get, how well you manage stress and the nutrients that you take in on a daily basis. Your brain is a part of your body. It needs proper nourishment and adequate fluid intake.

So, drink plenty of water, take your vitamins, eat a healthy diet and include some physical activity on a daily basis. It doesn’t have to be strenuous. You just need to move. Then add a brain exercise