What is Hypnosis?

"Hypnosis" refers to the power that words and ideas have when we surround these words and ideas with our complete attention. A hypnotist or an operator delivers words and ideas.

You don't need any special qualifications to deliver words that will change your life or help change your subject's life. Hypnosis, the power that words have when surrounded by one's complete attention is as old as the spoken word itself.

You may know PHD's that work as hypnotherapists and you may know door to doorsalesmen that use hypnosis in their job. The truth is, no academic title or course completion certificate will ever tell you how good a hypnotist is.

The nice part about it is that with a little study you can be a very effective hypnotist.

What to Expect from Your Subject

What do you expect from your subject? You expect your subject to give you the same support that you are giving them. Never take advantage of your subject and always show concern for their safety. Remember that your subject trusts you with the most important part of his/her existence. You subject trusts you with his brain and his identity. Usually, your subject will tell you something secretive that will never be revealed to anyone else.

Give your subject your undivided attention and you will be successful.

Question: What do I need to begin hypnotizing?

Answer: You need confidence in your abilities to hypnotize.

Question: How to I get the confidence if I have never hypnotized anyone before?

Answer: You have to fake it until you make it!

In order for you to become successful in hypnotizing other people you must have confidence in your abilities to hypnotize. The more you display this confidence in you words and mannerisms, the easier it will be to hypnotize others and the more fun you will have as a hypnotist.

Remember this always:You must have confidence in yourself as a hypnotist . You must keep that confidence during each and every hypnosis session.