Bipolar II Disorder - 23 Important Points To Remember

In order to become successful in life, it is quite essential to be healthy and wise. While any sort of physical restrictions of the body can be fought with and dealt with, the central processing unit of our body that is our brain needs to be absolutely perfect in order to live a happy & successful life. For all our errands what we primarily need is a sharp brain so as to understand our environment and act promptly & make well evaluated decisions.

Along with a perfectly working brain, what we need is a control over our emotions. Being over excited or unduly angry all the time would not help us in any way. Quoting in the right terminology all our psychological factors must be balanced enough.

And what if you discover that you yourself have or some of you known to has a brain disorder? One such common brain disorder is bipolar disorder. This disease not only effects our emotions and decisions on daily errands, in extreme cases it can lead to suicides as well.

Here are some facts that you must know about this brain disorder:

1. As the name is withdrawn rightly, the disorder has two key phases - mania and depression. All the symptoms, ailments and effects of this disorder primarily belong to these two aspects.

2. This disorder is found equally among men and women.

3. Out of the world's total population, around 1% suffers with the bipolar disorder.

4. Mania is found in two main divisions: hypo mania & full-blown mania.

5. Hypomania is a state where the individual possesses quite intense energy & is able to yield unusually high productivity. Ones who remain until this stage turn out to be great salesmen and high powered businessmen. Yet, the danger remains as many of the hypo-maniacs are just of the verge of being full blown maniacs.

6. The full-blown maniacs' actions are rather devastating. Individuals suffering with bipolar disorder often become subject to the full-blown mania where they start making unnecessary moves in their business. Their actions yield far more losses than benefits, they themselves are never able to note this.

7. Patients of bipolar disorder almost never consider the results of their actions. They would spend money just like anything unconsciously. The money that they might have saved for some basic necessity for home or business, they might land up pending it in something just not required. They would sign the cheques irrespective of the fact that there is money in the account or not.

8. Such patients often become too generous and gift away their treasured items or things that they just can not afford to give away. Though, later they also regret their actions.

9. In an acute manic state the bipolar disorder can be characterized by overly gregariousness of the individual. They become extra ordinarily outgoing and do not realize whether their company is good or bad. This could be quite dangerous as getting in tough with some unwanted and unethical people can also land up in several irreversible problems such as sexual exploits, henceforth pregnancy, sexual diseases, or hampered relationships.

10. In extreme cases the disease suffering with bipolar disorder lands up in a phase of psychosis. This is the time when the patient has bizarre thoughts, like delusions and hallucinations. At this time the patient looses the senses of his/her immediate environment and is not able to make out the difference between realism & hallucinations. So he /she become so vulnerable that they can not even save themselves from natural calamities.

11. Often the mania cases land up to a phase of depression. Such individuals seclude themselves from their loved ones & acquaintances and many a times become bed-ridden for days together. Their sleep, appetite, energy level, etc. everything gets deeply effected.

12. One of the major dangers in bipolar disorder when the person goes in to depression is that they become suicidal. Hence, when the patient is in the phase of depression he/she must be guarded thoroughly.

13. Many adults & teenagers try to cope up with their bipolar disorder with other prolonged diseases like alcohol and drugs. Such cases are medically termed as - dual diagnosis. Such addictions complicate the patients' condition and make thee treatment rather more difficult. However, with the changing scenario of our society this has almost become a common factor.

Bipolar II Disorder

While the above gives you a glimpse of the bipolar disorder, another variation in this dreadful ailment is called Bipolar II Disorder.

The key points to understand about this aliment are as follows:

1. The manic episodes in case of bipolar II are not as severe as compared to the bipolar disorder.

2. Instead, the depressive episodes in the case of bipolar II are far more severe than in bipolar disorder.

3. The only abnormality that the manics face in the case of bipolar II when it comes to their daily life is that they feel far more energetic than the normal individuals. Rest they can lead a healthy life in terms of errands.

4. In the depressive episodes among bipolar II, the symptoms are almost similar to bipolar disorder except that when they are at the peak that is very severe, the patients can even try to commit a suicide.

5. Bipolar II calls for a very urgent & serious medical & psychiatric check as this mental disorder is very severe and can become quite worse without being controlled.

6. The patients and the family must understand that bipolar disorder and bipolar II are both incurable, yet controllable. Such patients are able to live a healthy, successful and prolonged life with the help of will power and constant medical attention. The treatment involves varied medications and therapies that further control the ailment and help the patient getting stable.

7. While the psychotherapy sessions are going on for such patients, the family must get involved and act as a support system for the patient. They must understand about the bipolar II disorder and ways & means to cope with it.

8. In these therapies and sessions the patient is guided towards several methods in order to minimize the effect of episodes linked with bipolar II, essentially the depressive episodes.

9. During the psychotherapy, medications are prescribed for the patients to strengthen the effect of the therapy and normalize their mood swings.

10. This way the patients can also help themselves avoiding the state of reaching the peak of depressive or manic one.