Natural Treatments for Type 2 Diabetes that You Should Know

The natural treatment of type 2 diabetes is meant to divert your attention away from the tedious and often painful management of the disease using insulin and drugs. There is no denying that, beta cells of the pancreas often do not regenerate again to serve the purpose it was created for; hence, alternatives become handy and compulsory. For sure; you will not give a second thought to anything that will stop you from endless lifelong insulin jabs; you needed this help as early as yesterday.

What is type 2 to start with? In short, it is a situation where the pancreas does not produce enough insulin therefore glucose builds up in the blood without serving any good purpose. It's a double effect, cells are deprived of energy and glucose is flooded. The created disaster if it persists ends up damaging the eyes, kidneys and other vital body organs; in simpler terms you are as good as dead in advance if not assisted.

In looking at natural ways of treating the problem, there is no denying that science has failed; and for sure if insulin jabs is the commandment for life, then science has failed; so let's pursue plan B. Plan B is natural methods of treatment. Credit for this direction goes to our natives; our traditional oral healers who up to date can treat without any reference to any manual. They prescribe and are dead accurate; having been handed the skill way back and leave it to scientists to prove them right in a test tube.

The following is a run down of names of compounds and names of plants derived from if any; anyhow the majority is supplemental prescribed as food supplements. If found in enough concentrations, the source plant itself is utilized otherwise the element is concentrated and served in form of a tablet. Most of the elements listed below are trace and glycemic in nature operating at cell level interactively.

These alternatives therefore, as documented, are many and for the purpose of this discussion, I will touch the most pronounced very briefly.

Mormordica Charantia - a vegetable known by many names and found in Asia, presents various qualities that turn round the high glucose in the blood to tolerant levels. It's a very effective agent, highly recommended for use in local hospitals for the management of glucose in diabetic patients. It's extracts, have particular insulin like protein, that trigger the pancreas to produce insulin and fight the flooded glucose with a resultant positive effect to the patient. It has been found too to bring about the increase in cell glucose uptake.

Gymnema or "gurmar" also termed "destroyer of sugar" does exactly that – destroying high blood glucose level by bringing about increase in uptake just like mormordica. It also promotes the healing and regeneration of cells of the islets of langerhans in the pancreas.

Fenugreek, a legume rich in fiber, lowers blood glucose and improve insulin levels in the blood.

Ginseng promotes glucose uptake and transportation including decreasing fasting blood glucose.

Magnesium as an element served as a supplement. It facilitates intracellular movement of glucose across cell membranes; this being a rare or missing element in diabetic patients.

Aloe Vera Gel is known to reduce blood glucose and hbA1c molecules from studies through its phytosterol compounds.

Other compounds and elements include vanadium, vitamin C, zinc, cinnamon and chromium.