Stopping Panic Attack - Understanding the Key Facts About Panic Attack

Panic attack is perhaps one of the most terrifying experiences a person can go through. Stopping panic attack symptoms are unfortunately, a somewhat difficult thing to do, although not entirely impossible. The main problem here is to overcome your irrational fear.

It is important to understand the reasoning behind the occurrence of panic attack. While the first attack are usually random, subsequent attacks may not be entirely random itself. For most sufferers, after their initial experience with panic attack, they sub-consciously "learned" to fear another panic attack.

They are constantly alert for any signs of panic attack. It is not surprising therefore, that many sufferers avoid situations that they think or "know" might cause the panic attacks to happen. By doing so, they are actually opening the doors for panic attack to strike again. This constant state of worrying about another panic attack is the KEY to the problem.

Don't you see what is happening?

Your the one causing subsequent panic attacks! You keep worrying about another panic attack. You refuse to let go of that fear.

Hence, once this fear is gone, the body's reason for maintaining the panic response will disappear as well. Therefore, the key to stopping panic attack forever is to acknowledge this crucial fact and make an effort to change your mentality.

This is why it is difficult. The change must come from yourself. No medicine or drugs can help you change your mentality, they can only give you temporary relief. YouHAVE TOlearn to accept panic attack and...well...not panic! It really is that simple and ironically, difficult at the same time.

Learn to live with the panic attacks but NEVER give in. It could be a long struggle, but some people make remarkably quick recoveries and never suffer attacks again. Accept that you are a panic attack sufferer and do everything you can to overcome it - do not run and hide from it.