Do you have mental tension?

Mind matters over body and body over your performances. If condition exists! Not mentally healthy then physically not too. When the mind is not focused then, unexpected thoughts tend to attack and hover around. Then how come, Can be due to accident or an incident. If the distraction is due to incident then certain cure can heal oneself .Psychologist consulting, meditation, mind concentration therapy. If accident then take the right medicines and precautions .He said," You are what you think" Your being depends on your mentality. Your wellbeing depends on your state of your mind. So I say be mentally fit. Take the perfect precautions not to be mentally distracted. Your life is clear, your ambitions are clear if the state of your mind is clear isn't it so then. Take the right diet that keeps you mentally fit like glucose, fruits, positive attitude and be cautious about any types of eventualities." Health is wealth" To be physically healthy, matters the wellbeing of ones mind. If not then, not! You must avoid those not appropriate else may distract the condition of mind. Someone has said that if your condition is due to accident then as soon consult a medical supervisor else cure through a therapist. Aishwariya Rai the winner of the miss world once said the beauty lies within yourself you must think positive to be beautiful. You are healthy; you are wealthy only if you are mentally fit. Isn't it so it's not a hectic task to be healthy?, If under negative one then take prescriptions else precautions, If it is due to accident then as I have already elaborated medicine else meditation. Try it would be a hand one. I have mentioned few method on meditation in my earlier article, I hope it would be handy to you if not then write to me.