Persuasive Techniques - How to Brainwash Someone With Mind Control TechniquesPersuasive techniqueshave been attracting a lot of marketers today. When they can't approach their target market with other segmentation tactics such as the demographics or geographical, they're opting for other ways to learnhow to brainwash someone. That's why I'm going to reveal one of themind control techniquesthat are powerful enough to make your customers cry, beg or even yearn for your products in this article. One of the most commonly used persuasive techniques or mind control techniques that most marketers use today to learn how to brainwash someone is the"association principle". Let me explain. This principle says thatconsumers tend to associate their feelings with a particular stimulus due to it's frequent appearance together. The stimulus can be anything that's visible. If you're a network marketer and your target customer tend to feel excited whenever you show him a picture of a big house, start to show or relate your network marketing opportunity together with the big house. Tell him how he can afford a big house for himself or his family by grabbing the money making opportunity (network marketing) that you're offering.Slowly but silently his mind will start to associate his excitement of owning a big house together with the network marketing opportunity (stimulus).The next time you mention about your opportunity, automatically his mind will start to recall back the feelings that were generated when he was showed a picture of a big house. If you're wondering why these mind control techniques are so powerful and effective to learn how to brainwash someone, let me explain. As you know,feelings are some of sort of emotional responses and numerous studies proved that our rationality will be crippled seriously and easily persuaded with emotional factors.By clearly understanding this principle, you can bring back any particular feelings of your customers that'll lead to more"YES"from them as this will clearly stand out as one of the powerful persuasive techniques that psychologists have researched and proved. |