Discrimination Against Mental Health Sufferers!

Ok, Here's how it goes, right?

I went for a job interview last week but because i have a mental illness i did not get it. It is not me that thinks they were out to get me, but they told me the reason. They said " Because of your instability at certain times we are unable to employ you". For blooming out loud, it was only a coffee shop. Not like i am working for the Queen.

I have Bi-Polar along with Depression, Social Anxiety and OCD. Not a great combination i have to say so myself. I have been in Therapy for over a year, on medication which helps no end and have great support from medical professionals and family. The job in the coffee shop was just to get me back on my feet, i am a trained teacher actually, and because of my social anxiety i have been unable to be a teacher. So i thought it would help just to begin with.

Now the thing that annoyed me was yes i am unstable soemtimes, very occassionally now, but the whole point of therapy was to get coping mechanisms for when these times happen. Therapy never cures someone of a mental health illness. It only gives you ways.

I have struggled in the past but i am really good at the moment. Like i can do things like i used to. It's a great feeling. I no longer worry about material things only that i am well in myself and have a positive attitude. I love life at the moment, it's great. I know it might sound a bit cheesy but when you have been through hell and back it's nice to be normal again and be part of society.

Ideally i would love to work with animals as they are my passion. Like in a zoo, kennel, etc. It's not fantastic but i love them. I have come to realize in life that you need to be happy.

But i just feel that the soon as you mention mental health an employer wont employ you.  I know not every employer is like that and i would just like some opinions to see whether it really is me!

Thank You.