Signs of OCD

When you think you have signs of ocd , step back and take a look at your actions and thoughts. Now everybody has a little bit of "ocd" in them, but when it starts to effect your daily life, that's when you might want to get help.

Making sure your house is clean and in order, or your car always has to be clean is not OCD. If you spend all your free time on cleaning and not paying attention to everyday life then I would say you might have to look into some sort of treatment.

I use to wash my hands 150 to 200 times per day and each washing took me exactly 3 mins. I wasted so much time on washing my hand because I thought they were not clean that I was late for work and my girlfriend decided to leave. This is when I hit rock bottom and decided to go see a doctor about this.

OCD takes on many forms in different people. There is so many different obsessions and complusions that run through ones mind. For years I could not even say the word "AIDS" without thinking of catching it. This is not normal thinking but I learned that this is all part of the disorder.

I now can see all the true signs of OCD and the actions people will take to make the situation "right". I found a funny ocd site which has great information about signs and treatments of ocd. There are some great stories on there to.