The Power of Your Thoughts on Your Health

Change your mind, change your body. Without a brain, your body is useless! Therefore, the actions of your brain (ie. thoughts and emotions) have the biggest influence over your health.

Your current thoughts you have right now about what is good and bad for you are a reflection of what you have learned over your life. The media has a very powerful influence on us from the day we are born. The unfortunate fact of life is that we are lied to a lot and our perception of truth is based on the information we have access to. We believe that it's important to be responsible for your own health. The term ‘healthy' to us can simply be defined as: ‘being free from disease, disorder or sickness without the need for drugs. Living as naturally as possible using food as your medicine'. We therefore learn from health professionals that are ‘healthy' themselves who also study healthy people.  Weston A Price, Paul Chek, Sir Robert McCarrison, Sally Fallon and Dr. Joseph Mercola being a few of them.


• Positive vs. negative thinking
Your thoughts are very powerful. Everything we do requires a thought. Constant, negative thoughts about your life, job, family and friends, can have very detrimental effects on your health. Even negative thoughts from earlier parts of your life can manifest themselves as pain and problems in your body. Believe it or not, other people's thoughts can also affect you in the same way! So take care with the amount of time you spend around people whose values and morals differ considerably from yours, as their energy and negativity most certainly have an effect on you.

TIP: Think positive! Associate with positive people. Optimists live longer!

• Healthy vs. Unhealthy
In the 1940's, American doctors promoted smoking Camel cigarettes. What other products are being advertised to you today as supposedly healthy for you?  ALOT! How do you delve through the mess of confusing messages? We believe the answer is simple. Get Primal.

TIP: Do not be so easily persuaded by TV, radio or what you hear from your best friend!
TIP: Learn from healthy people that live as naturally as possible


• Videos that show the power of thought
- 9 out of 10 doctors smoke Camels! (from the 1940's)
- Illusionist Criss Angel on The Power of Your Thoughts / Mind
- When Comedians Understand Health Truth You Know We Are Making Progress

• Movies to change your thoughts about your health
- Food inc. A documentary discussing the health concerns over current commercial farming.
- Supermarket Secrets A documentary about cheap supermarket food and free-range chickens.
- The dangers of mobile phone radiation A documentary about effects of electromagnetic waves.

• Books to educate yourself and take control of your own health
- How to Eat Move and Be Healthy Our bible of health by Paul Chek.
- The Metabolic Typing Diet  Determine the foods that works best for YOU.
- Nourishing Traditions The ultimate recipe book