Morning Anxiety & Living Your Life

Morning anxiety. Everybody is very different in this world! That's such a elementary but accurate statement, don't you think?  And, for some people waking up in the morning is a dreadful time of the day. Maybe you can relate?  I know I used to feel that way all the time  at least five days a week, sometimes more than that, it was a prison.

It was terrible, going to sleep at night wasn't much better because I knew that when I woke up in a few hours I was going to feel awful, anxious, a thousand thoughts dancing through my head, achey, wanting to sleep more, but totally unable to relax and unwind.  I was stressed.  Felt weird all the time, not myself, like someone else, like another person that I didn't like.

This is what's called morning anxiety, and it's a type of panic disorder that's really pretty ordinary. At least 6 million americans put up with some kind of panic disorder. Morning anxiety is simply one form, one kind.

How do you stop morning anxiety? Well, thankfully there are lots of things you can do!  Don't give up hope.  One of the best things you can do is start an exercise program. This relieves stress in ways that nothing else will. If you're really out of shape start slowly and go easy.  Even just a ten minute walk can help, but definitely ramp up to energetic exercise three to five times per week. You'll be very surprised at what this can achieve in your life.

Diet is another extremely crucial factor. If you're consuming junk you're going to feel like junk.  Period. I'm not saying you have to be a diet saint, but go out of your way to eat your fruits and veggies. And get as much lean protein as you can.  This is of prime importance.  All of these types of foods help make neurotransmitters in your brain which help you to loosen up. Taking supplements such as five htp, st. john's wort, and SAME are also very stabilizing. These can be a boost when you're feeling stressed, take it from me these are the bomb.

Last but not least, you have to learn how to train your brain!  That's right, actually train your brain. Your brain can actually be developed to ride out a morning panic attack and with repeated practice the negative thoughts and attacks simply go away.

I'm talking about cognitive methods. The stunning thing is you can actually train your brain to go from the fight of flight mechanism (anxiety) to the steady cerebral part of the brain, quickly and easily.  I learned how to do this from a program I found on the net. The technique is called the one move technique and it's literally a huge life saver for individuals who have extended morning anxiety or even any other type of panic disorder.  It works and permanently.  Especially if you follow my other suggestions.  I highly advocate that you check it out. It has a money back guarantee and has been used by thousands of folks like you and me.

Learn more about it by clicking the link in my bio box below.  There's more information about the one move and my own techniques.