Is My Child Having A Panic Attack ? - Overcome Panic Attacks

The Fear of Panic Attacks in Children

When a child has a panic attack it can be a very scary experience. It's distressing to see a child shaking and short of breath. It can be a nightmare for the parents especially when they are not sure what is happening because they could think that their child is choking to death. It's important for all parents to know what a panic attack is like so that they can be prepared and so take the appropriate action should it ever happen to them.

Panic attacks in children are more common than people think. We generally associate panic attacks with adults, but children are just as likely to suffer. Adults don't seem to understand when or if their children are suffering from a panic attack. Panic attacks in children stem from a number of factors such as worry, terror and a dread of the future.

Symptoms children show can be any of the following :- rapid heart rate, vertigo, inability to breathe properly, or shaking. Generally, adolescents are more prone to experience these attacks, but they can be evidenced in younger children too. A family history of attacks increases the odds that a child will experience this debilitating disorder.

Children who suffer regular panic attacks are adversely affected in their general way of life. The attacks can take on the form of agoraphobia causing the distressed child to fear leaving parents, be anxious about going to school or other places, and have a general anxiety that lingers even when they're not experiencing an attack. Teens suffering from this condition may even become suicidal or turn to alcohol or drugs to numb the effects of the attacks.

Often these panic attacks go undetected in children because the doctor may never see the symptoms for themselves, and have to really on the parents to explain the symptoms. Also, children may not want to own up to having a problem due to embarrassment and fear of been taken away for tests and examinations.

Although panic attacks in children can be a scary experience, we now have the best treatments available! Please visit our site for further information.