Bringing myself into alignment

Coming into alignment with my body and my heart's desire is quite an adjustment.

I been having pain in my lower back forever -or so it felt - and so, when the massage therapist said "you got something out of wack with your spine woman" I decided that it was time. I went to a chiropractor- nervous with a tinge of fear - and he snapped,crackled and popped me. He said I had 4 discs out of alignment in my lower back, 4 in my neck and one of my ribs was out. Well -ok. And then I went back on Monday - I was gentle on myself over the weekend - and he did the same thing. I was sore and yet I felt so good.

Being in alignment has brought about a sense of clarity that I have never felt before. I stand up straight and no longer carry the world on my shoulders.

I realize how long I have lived my life out of alignment and let my little one know that this will take some time, just as being out of alignment became comfortable, so will being in alignment.

I walked into the chiropractor today and looked at him and asked him to be gentle. And he was -he said there are different modalities that work for different people and if this works -we will do this next week. Wow - asking for what I need - and he heard me. WhooHoo

In addition to clarity I have felt a sense of freedom. The energy in my body now has freedom to move up and down my spine -woosh -woosh.

I walk with more confidence and assurance, I have an opinion for the first time in years, and although others may not agree with my opinion, I am entitled to have one.

In addition to Clarity, and Freedom I am living in my true authentic Self, most of the time. Being authentic and living in truth is not necessarily the most comfortable thing to do either. People who used to see me one way are now adjusting to this new person that is awake and present.

I am having the opportunity to use my skills of giving and accepting effective feedback on a daily basis and reminding myself that "It is just information".

I am also aware how much of the world does not perceive life the way I do and that when I say that my life is indeed about me -I have gotten feedback that we need to make sure we talk about serving others.

I thank them and let them know that I will take their thoughts into consideration.

My intention for my life: To live a Joy filled, Financially Abundant, balanced life in body, mind and spirit and to live with a sense of grace and ease. Key for my life now - Love my Self -No matter what -Take what I need and leave the rest.

When I am in alignment with my Self - I am in Alignment with Spirit.