How You Deal with the Issue is the Issue

I wrote the title of this article as a reminder to myself. Eating Disorders are a way to "deal" with life instead of "living" life. Life is not always going to be pretty and we may not always enjoy the process and yet we are the only one who are living our life. I used to hate it when someone would tell me that anything I did was a choice. I didn't feel like I had a choice, especially over my eating disorder. And yet, here I am after healing a 24 year eating disorder saying the exact same thing.

Healing is choice. Suffering is a choice. Letting Go is a choice. Living a life filled with joy, compassion, hope and love is a choice. Living a life where you are able to love who you are, just as you are, in the moment, in your body and know that your family and friends love you just because you are you.

When I was in the middle of the healing process I didn't understand why anyone would want to go through it. I kept thinking," If this is recovery and healing then I will pass." I kept going because I knew that healing myself was the best way to get my life back.

Do you feel as though you are in the grips of some invisible thing that tells you that you are not enough? That you need to be perfect? Do you want to give up your eating disorder for a better life and not sure how? Here are some tips from my experience:

1. How you deal with the issue is the issue.

2. You have all the inner resources you need inside yourself

3. Your life is about what you think of you -not about what anyone else thinks of you.

4. Love is the ultimate gift you can give yourself.

5. It is not about the Food - Food is fuel for your body.

6. Feeling are energy -let the energy flow -Cry, Laugh, Dance

7. Find someone you trust

8. Do something creative -PLAY

9. Dream BIG - Take steps to make your dreams come true

10. Hold on to what you know to be true -YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL NO MATTER WHAT!