All parents love to watch their healthy and active kids play along. We also love to take up all their tantrums and at times when we start thinking that the tantrums are getting too many, we believe that the child is becoming disobedient or trying to gain attention. Sometimes we ignore the child's tantrums perceiving them to be spoilt brats and undisciplined.
Well, the fact is that we must watch our child's activities and mood swings well enough as you might not even realize that your little one is suffering with some mental disorder. One such common mental disorder among children is Attention Deficit Disorder.
Another common disorder among kids is the Bipolar Disorder. Also known as Manic Depression, in such a condition the child undergoes random fluctuations in the mood owing to depression & mania.
The parents and/or caregivers must be cautious that the child shows 'healthy tantrums & mood swings.' Once these become unhealthy, you must go ahead for some close examination of the child & his day-to-day actions.
To check if your child is showing symptoms of bipolar disorder, read through the following important points about this disorder:
1. Noticeable Changes in Mood and Energy
Children dealing with the bipolar disorder generally go through constant & incessant mood interruptions. These mood swings often last for hours together and at times even days together. The psychologists explain that usually mood disorders happen most oft due to a combo of depression & mania.
2. Separation Anxiety
When children suffer with the bipolar disorder, they often experience "separation anxiety." This means that they feel immense anxiety in the absence of the individual who takes the most care of them or one whom they are most attached. They become too apprehensive and feel separated or left alone.
3. Defiance to Authority
A child suffering with bipolar disorder is often quite disobedient. Such a child never allows any authority to rule over him/her, especially their parents and/or the caregiver.
4. Hyperactivity
Watch your child whenever he/she behaves over active. The children suffering with bipolar disorder are often agitated with the varied things surrounding them. Such children need to struggle very hard in order to concentrate on any given activity like eating, sitting still, doing school work, etc.
5. Sleeping Problems
Children suffering with bipolar disorder either sleep too much or too less. The other problems that your child might face regarding the sleep are:
i. While their slumber, the child faces 'night terrors.' Also known as 'pavor nocturnus,' this refers to the child waking up abruptly from the sleep.
ii. He/She is not able to recollect what he saw or experienced in the dream.
iii. Such children also often wet their beds during their sleep.
iv. They urinate spontaneously.
v. Your child many a times feels it very tough to wake up in the mornings.
vi. For this you should make their waking-up strategy. This way your child would never get late for school and never miss any of the appointments.
6. Food Cravings
Children suffering with bipolar disorder usually crave for food rich in carbohydrates & sugar. This craving is often strange as most oft it is quite robust and repeated.
7. Ill behavior
Children suffering with bipolar disorder usually behave quite mischievously. They often do strange things that become quite inexplicable like jumping out of the moving vehicle, fighting or quarreling with their caregiver for no apparent reason, bullying the other kids, etc.
8. Unhealthy Sexual Behavior
While usually children do not have a very open body language when it comes to sex, the kids suffering with bipolar disorder have quite unacceptable sexual behavior. Researchers explain quite well the difference between healthy & unhealthy sexual behaviors among children. Children at that tender at are rather playful and love to explore many different things around them. Children often are never preoccupied with the interactions concerning sex.
9. Hallucination
Hallucination refers to the unusual sensory perceptions happening to the child while he is wide awake & also aware of their surroundings. Children going through bipolar disorder often have hallucinations. So if your child says that he hears voices when actually nobody is around, its time to extend immediate psychiatric help.
10. Grandiosity
Grandiosity refers to an exaggerated assessment to one's values, authorities, significance, understanding and individuality. The child suffering with bipolar disorder often believes that he is magnificent & that he knows it all. With such an attitude it often becomes very difficult to relate with the child and the conversation often lands up to major fight.
11. Speedy & Strained Speech
While in anxiety just like elders, even the kids talk very fast & in a strained manner when they are uneasy emotionally or mentally. However, if the incidents of such 'speedy & strained speech' become too often, your child might be experiencing bipolar disorder. Among kids, talking fast along with anxiety is quite unusual.