For those that don't know panic attacks can be triggered at any moment without any warning. There are 2 types of stimuli that usually trigger an anxiety attack: External and Internal.
Internal stimuli include any sensation/feeling/thought that your body or brain perceives:
* bodily sensations such racing heartbeats
* thoughts
* memories
* intense emotions
External stimuli include anything in the environment that the senses can perceive:
* changing temperature in the room
* sudden changes in the light's intensity
* loud voices/sounds or simply the change in the sound's intensity
* weird taste in the mouth
* fast moving objects (a speedy car, someone running fast by)
* smell
Patients suffering panic attacks aren't usually aware of these triggers that it would seem hard for them to believe they are triggering the anxiety attacks. It requires a bit of understanding of why these external and internal stimuli do trigger panic attacks.
It's simply the nature of the human being. Some people inherit a high sensitive nervous system and all of these external and internal stimuli are added up to the permanent tension that an anxiety patient experiences throughout the day. Panic disorder sufferers should be supported by their families, friends and co-workers.
It's important to stay away from cigarettes, coffee, energy drinks and other caffeine based drinks as they highly affect the nervous system.
Panic disorders can be treated effectively using medication, therapies or simply learning how to control emotions and become more confident. There are numerous online anxiety programs that help sufferers achieve their inner self-confidence, peace and treat panic attacks naturally.