How To Treat Bipolar Without DrugsDo you know someone who has bipolar disorder? Perhaps it is someone you know that is very close to you like a friend, relative, child, or it might even be yourself. Bipolar disorder is a very serious mental illness that affects the lives of the people who have it, as well as the lives of the people who love them. There are three basic types of bipolar disorder. The first type is called bipolar I disorder. This particular form of the disorder causes the individual to bounce back and forth between high levels of mania and depression. The symptoms of depression can last for days, weeks, and even months at a time. With this form of bipolar disorder, there will also be periods when everything is fine. The second type of bipolar disorder is referred to as bipolar II disorder. This form of the disorder is very similar to bipolar I, except for the fact that the manic episodes are not as severe. People with this form of the disorder do however, tend to experience deeper depressive symptoms than those with bipolar I. The third type of bipolar disorder is referred to as rapid-cycling bipolar disorder. This form of the disorder causes individuals to experience at least four cycles of mania and depression with a 12-month time frame. Some people will go from one extreme to the next, and then there will be those who may have a small time period in which everything is completely normal. The good thing about this disorder is that it can be treated naturally. Since bipolar disorder is caused by an imbalance of chemicals in the brain, it is easy to treat with natural remedies. One type of natural remedy used to treat this illness is St. John's Wort. It works by balancing certain chemicals in the brain such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. These are the same chemicals that prescription medications attempt to balance. The only difference between treating bipolar disorder with prescription medications and treating it naturally is that you do not have to worry about side effects. Another natural way to treat bipolar disorder is through supplementation with vitamins as well as avoiding certain types of foods. Nutritional supplements such as multivitamins and fish oil have been proven to have a profound effect on energy levels and brain activity. B vitamins have also been proven effective. It has been suggested that eliminating fast foods, foods high in refined sugar, junk foods, alcohol, excessive caffeine, and artificial ingredients from an individual's diet can also improve and potentially get rid of the mood swings associated with bipolar disorder. Treating bipolar disorder naturally is faster, safer, and much less expensive. Trying the methods listed above are more than likely going to make a huge difference in the life of a bipolar person, as well as in the lives of those around them. |