Let's face it; the statistics are shocking and tragic to say the least. The incidence of asthma in our population is on the increase year on year, with record highs of childhood deaths due to the condition. I won't quote them here as they're easily found on the web, and I'd rather spend my time getting to my point. These deaths are on the increase despite the billions of dollars ploughed into research into the condition. There is as yet no orthodox cure to this condition. For the millions of sufferers out there, the future looks pretty bleak.

I am not an asthma sufferer, and for that I am extremely grateful. It is not a condition that has affected any member of my immediate or extended family, and for that I am extremely thankful also. There is nothing worse than seeing a loved one suffer, whether it is through asthma or cancer, or any other debilitating disease. Cancer on the other hand is in the family - both my grandparents on my father's side died of cancer, prostate and bone, and my father was diagnosed last year with throat, so of course I'm in a position whereby I'm thinking is it a matter of time for me? Or is there anything I can do to perhaps try to prevent any cancer growth in my own body, or at least delay the inevitable? Perhaps I have been fortunate enough to inherit stronger genes from my mother's Scandinavian side of the family, where death seems only to occur in the late 90's, from old age, and it's something I shouldn't worry about. The truth is, I'm only 37, I have two wonderful children age 10 and 2, and if there is anything I can do to prevent suffering for myself, my partner, my children or my extended family, then I'm on the look out for it. My diet's good, I don't drink, smoke or take drugs, of any sort, even when I have a headache. I perhaps go to bed too late, as I work at night when the kids are sleeping, but that's because I want to spend time with them during the day. You can't have it all, so that's probably the compromise.

I may feel at a loss in terms of the cancer issue, but I do know what I would do if any of us were ever diagnosed with Asthma. For nearly ten years now I have been fortunate enough to have been working with the bark of a gum tree from Africa. My background is as a Reflexologist, and when I had my son, I wanted to be a full time mum. I needed money though, and at this time I was lucky enough to meet a Ghanaian man called Jerry Yamoa. Jerry was a postal worker from South London, who had recently embarked on a mission to promote the use in the West of this powdered gum tree bark that his grandmother used to give villagers and people from the surrounding region for their respiratory ailments. Jerry introduced this powder to fellow workers suffering from asthma and hay fever at his sorting depot in London, and many of the users reported excellent results. When I met Jerry, it was early days for him, but he struck me as a genuine person, with honourable intentions. He gave me some samples of the tree bark to give to my ex-reflexology clients, and to my astonishment, the powder worked for them.      

Jerry YamoaPostal workers ditch inhalers after taking Yamoa PowderYamoa Powder & Capsules 

Now, up until this point I can't say I had an affinity with herbs. I ate basil. I used thyme in cooking, but my knowledge of medicinal herbs was, sufficed to say, 'lacking'. Having seen the results in my clients however, I was converted. Knowing the extent of the asthma problem, and this was back in 1999, I felt I had found my vocation. My mission, if you like. So far as I was concerned, this was something the whole world needed to know about. I had no idea how I was going to go about and tell you all, but I was going to do it.

Come 10pm every evening when my little boy finally gave up the ghost and fell asleep, I would jump on my pc and enter forums and chat rooms, trying to tell people about it, most nights I wouldn't move from the computer until two or three a.m., such was my determination. I really did jump in at the deep end, and naively had had no concept of just how sceptical people were of natural remedies. I was up against a brick wall much of the time, and yet desperate to get through to people. I finally decided to build my own website and hope that people would stumble across it, and give it a go. I remember one day my father asking me, "So how are the sales going?" "Brilliant Dad, I had eleven orders this week!" That was back in April 2000, and I remember it like it was yesterday. 

Time flies, and now since Yamoa® Powder  has been available for nearly ten years, word has spread, almost entirely through word-of-mouth and customer referrals. We have a database of 25,708 customers to date (October 14th '08), just generated since April 03, when the database was set up - before then everything from envelope writing to logging customers' payments was done at three in the morning by my own fair hand. Building the reputation of the Yamoa® brand has really been a labour of love. Frankly though, I'm not even close to the tip of the iceberg. In order to change the lives of enough people, I need to impress upon as many as possible that there is anaffordable, natural, side-effect free opportunity(for that's what it is - it doesn't work for everyone, but it has transformed the lives of many) to combat asthma.

I would like to just put a couple recent customer comments here for you, but I have 84 on the website, and many more hundreds which I haven't yet uploaded. Hopefully these may inspire you to investigate further, that's all I'm asking you to do; keep an open mind - sometimes when things seem too good to be true, they are, but in this case,it's all true.

"I don't recall if you have a "history-taking" place on your site, but just wanted to report that our 10 year old asthmatic son was symptom-free (no asthma, greatly reduced allergies) for over a year after taking Yamoa® Powder in honey for 3 weeks. He fought that twice-daily spoonful so much that we stopped it early! A bit of wheezing has come back, so we will try a full month now with capsules--should be easier than the honey for him. Hoping this does the trick...Thank you for your help and responsiveness."

Linda Larkey PhD

"Even though I have continued to reorder Yamoa® powder in fear of having a relapse, I have been asthma free and sinus clear since finishing the first packet ordered in January 2006. This is what I can do now that I could not do before Yamoa® Powder: Thanks to Yamoa® Powder, I can mow the grass without getting winded or wheezing. We live on acreage and have 1/2 acre of planted lawn around the house that I mow walking behind a power mower. I can handle/plant all types of vegetation. I can hold a cat, dog, guinea pig, rabbit etc. ad nuzzle my nose in their fur. I can be around house/garage cleaners/chemicals. I can sleep peacefully all night on pillows without plastic covers. I can have thick quilted bedspreads and fuzzy mats on the floor. I can breathe clearly in extreme summer heat and freezing cold air. I am free now to go anywhere and be around everything without fear of having an asthma attack. I have recommended Yamoa® Powder to everyone who will listen. To date three people have purchased some and are also having great results."

Norma, Potrero, CA, USA 

"Elaine's breathing blow test has improved from an average 250-300 range to now an average of 300-350, and this is only after taking the pills for about a month. The pills are working so well that we have placed a reorder for two bottles of the 120 count." 

Loren Blumberg, California, USA

For comprehensive information about how Yamoa® Funtumia Elastica could help you or your family, please see my website . Yamoa® Funtumia Elastica Powder and Capsules are suitable for adults and children alike. I really want to help you, so if you have any questions please direct them to me at tania@yamoapowder.com or call me on 011 44 1865 355515.

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