So many horrible things have been heard about hemorrhoids. People who have just begun manifesting symptoms fear that they have no other choice than to go through the painful surgical removal of their growing anal lumps or have to live with them forever.

Not entirely correct. There are natural remedies for hemorrhoids that offer quick and easy preparation without the danger of potential side-effects.

Before you get right down to a treatment regime, it might be wise to consider the severity of your condition. If your hemorrhoids have prolapsed and show signs of bleeding, seek the medical advice of a doctor for a more serious and intensive treatment. Other than that, any other natural remedies for hemorrhoids will work magic.

Try these five drug-free natural remedies for hemorrhoids in the convenience of your home.

1. One of the commonly used natural remedies for hemorrhoids is the witch hazel cream. Witch hazel is actually the bark and root extracts of a plant called Hamamelis virginiana. The components of this mixture act as an astringent that is known to shrink swollen veins and cut down bleeding. The witch hazel can be in a cream or liquid form. As a cream, gently apply a sufficient amount on the sore spot. Another option is by soaking a tub of baby wipes with the liquid solution and use it to wipe on the anus for some much needed relief.

2. If you are seeking for unheard-of natural remedies for hemorrhoids, try Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera belongs to the lily plant family and is a popular remedy for hair problems but has shown amazing results when applied to hemorrhoids. The gel content of Aloe Vera has healing properties recognized by many pharmaceutical companies worldwide. It can be taken in several forms:

• As a topical ointment gel – gently rub on the sore spot. The gel has some rich Vitamins like Vit. A, B, riboflavin among others. It also contains organic nutrients like choline and folic acid.

• As an oral medication, be properly advised by a physician with regards to correct dosage. This method helps regulate digestive processes.

3. Fiber is also an effective natural remedies for hemorrhoids. It aids in the smooth passing of stools and support food to move easily in the digestive tract. Incorporate high-fiber foods in your diet such as whole grains, cereals, fruits and raw vegetables. You can also take fiber supplements and drink fiber juices.

4. Another herbal remedy that can soothe your pain from hemorrhoids is the horse chestnut seed. The liquid extracted from the seed is used to treat chronic enlargement of veins by shrinking them and regulating blood flow.

5. Vitamin E can also be taken to alleviate the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Aside from detoxification, it helps pacify internal inflammation caused by hemorrhoids.

Natural remedies are the safer way to eliminate hemorrhoids. However, if symptoms continue to manifest or worsen regardless of persistent natural home treatments, talk to your doctor for further medical assessment.