Alternative Treatments For Depression - The Latest Trends In Treatment

The conventional depression medicines such as Elavin and Tofranil come with a whole host of warnings and long term health risks. We now know that depression is caused by a malfunctioning of certain chemicals in the brain such as serotonin and dopamine. These have a decisive effect on our thoughts, moods and desire for action and will affect our sleep patterns too if everything is not working like clockwork. It is high time that alternative treatments for depression were taken more seriously by the medical profession and caregivers in general.

The brain's chemical composition can be disturbed and badly damaged by traumatic events, low self esteem, a long illness or even hormonal changes. It is interesting to look at Chinese medicine in this regard because they actually do not have a word for depression. Chinese herbs will be aimed at restoring balance in the mind and consequently in the body. Many people who have gone to Chinese herbal practitioners have had good results.

Diet is often neglected in looking at alternative treatments for depression and it is difficult to see why. Anything we eat or drink will have a profound effect on our brains. Food feeds the brain too, not just the body! A study carried out a few years ago found that fish oils or omega 3 fatty acids (also know as EFAs) when given to people suffering from anxiety and depression had a 50% improvement rate in depression symptoms such as insomnia, anxiety, suicidal thoughts and low libido. These Omega 3 acids are found in fish such as tuna and salmon and also in walnuts and flax seeds.

Any food which contains the Vitamins B group (especially Vitamins B6 and B1) can stop the mood swings which often occur after intake of sugar. The best source of Vitamin B is whole grain oats. Protein can also help in balancing your sugar act. The protein you need is found in white lean meat such as chicken and turkey. Carbohydrate and protein taken together can also help in stabilizing your mood. Certainly diet and Chines herbs cannot be complete depression alternatives but they can go a long way in restoring good mood.

Herbal remedies are now regarded with great respect as one of the best alternative treatments for depression. Kava is not only a sort of natural painkiller (great for rheumatism and arthritis) but has had great results in treating depression, anxiety and sleep disorders.

Why not take some of the guesswork out of depression alternatives by having a long hard look at a herbal remedy as one of the alternative treatments for depression. This, coupled with a few dietary suggestions as mentioned above could change your life and restore your mind to a balanced state which will help you to overcome the feelings of helplessness and lethargy and give you renewed energy to overcome depression.