Mistake 1: I'm Just Naturally Worried, Anxious or Stressed
The truth is, no one is born naturally worried, anxious or stressed . In fact our bodies are marvelous things, created to operate at optimum performance and stress is part of it's performance. The feeling we describe as stress is a natural feeling which is intended to lay dormant until some form of a threat presents itself to us. When this happens we are alerted to the danger by this uneasy feeling, worry, stress or anxiety, and hopefully we become more attentive to it and thus more capable to handle the threat.
Mistake 2: Expecting Stress To Go Away By Thinking 'Positive Thoughts'
Stress is an emotion; and, as most therapists will tell you, 'it is impossible to logic ones own way out of an emotion. Logic responds to logic; and, emotions respond to emotions. No one is capable to 'just snap out of it' or 'be logical' and know there is really very little to worry about.
Mistake 3: Medicine Can Eliminate Stress
Worry, anxiety and stress cannot be cured by medication. To say it can be cured by medication is, perhaps, the biggest lie of all and one that the pharmaceutical industry is promoting today. The following true story illustrates this point. At age 39, Melanie was feeling very stressful, especially at home, something was just plain wrong. Her husband encouraged her to get some help; and, her family doctor prescribed a very expensive medication to treat the symptoms. The result was predictable. She stopped feeling stressed. A few months later she discovered her husband was cheating on her. As a result she sought out a marriage counselor. She said she was completely taken by surprise - indeed, she never even once suspected her husband was being unfaithful. Actually before she started on meds, she was aware something was wrong at home. She felt stress. There had to be a cause and there was. All the medication did was interfere with the normal funtion of her body by shutting down it's 'early warning defense system'.
Mistake 4. My Stress Is Just Temporary
Left untreated, worry, anxiety and stress which does not have an identifiable cause does not 'just go away'. Usually when one speaks about having an ongoing stress problem it is a reference to the persistent, nagging sense of forboding that comes from a 'forgotten past event' or situation which dynamically impacted one's life. Even though this memory is 'suppressed, pushed down or forgotten', it is still alive - dormant, like a virus in a computer - just waiting for the right set of circumstances to trigger the long forgotten stressful 'feeling'. It now roars to the surface in all its fury. Only this time, the victim does not have the slightest idea as to the nature of its origin. Left untreated, it will never go away.