With A Sense Of Respect For Life: Troops And The Public

I had an interesting conversation with a mental health professional whose mindset is medical doctors aren't suppose to cure mental illness they are suppose to treat it.  I couldn't imagine a medical doctor who thinks they are doing a good job by treating a mental illness.  Yes, I realize that's what's available currently, however, all mental health professionals including medical doctors must know they must do better.

I asked this health professional why you are in your profession.  It better be to cure your patient's illness.  I told her to empower her mindset, mood, and motivation to win by consistently playing at the top of her game.  I then asked her if someone has bronchitis do we treat it or cure it.  The medical doctor cures it!  At times we say we did everything we can when life threatening situations or death (usually by suicide) occurs.  We have to respect life by finding cures.  I hope what motivates and inspires you to be the medical doctor or health professional you are is to cure your patients' illnesses.

I'm happy to see stake holders in mental health, the public, and government are teaming up to work together versus complaining about one another.  If there ever is a time to COME TOGETHER, it is now.  What are OUR TROOPS who have post traumatic stress disorder(PTSD) or another mental illness because of their service in war coming home too?  They deserve cures!  So does the public!

For those who aren't familiar with mental illness, it is a chemical imbalance.  Think, feel, and believe me it is not a behavior or attitude problem.  Yes, your body has a chemical balance.  If your body chemicals are not balanced, then you might also experience a serious illness.

Be compassionate, understanding, and love by increasing your medical, boss, parenting, brother, sister, teammate, and friend skills to make employees and patients lives better who are suffering.  It does support them in recovery and can do miracles.  Yes, the health professionals have done a lot.  Treatments of all kinds including the right medication and pharmaceutical companies have made lives a lot better.  We all appreciate it!  However, symptoms and sometime devastating medication side effects still hurts many.

We need real ideas more than money to help and support mental health professionals.  An original idea will draw good money.  Being a professional speaker, author, sports motivation coach, business performance coach/advisor, engineer, been through clinical depression, chronic depression, am a bipolar survivor gift, son, brother, uncle, and friend, I do everything I can to find a cure not only for myself but others.  It can be done!  Think, feel, and believe all the good and positive change that would occur.  Yes, be the health professional you are meant to be.  You can do it!

I also had a conversation with a health professional who highly recommends those who are recovering, their families, and/or friends to attend live motivational and inspirational speaker programs.  It is even better for the professional speaker to have experience with this illness to deliver results for your needs.

If you are a business executive, hospital executive, or association executive you need to give your employees, patients, or members access to benefit.  Professional speaking programs are unmatched in making lives better and prosperous in ways not even TV, movies, mental health awareness campaigns, and this article can do.