3 Tips On How To Stop Depression

If you would like to know how to stop depression and are looking for answers I'm really glad that you found this page and I hope you will keep reading. I would like to share with you some of the things that you can use to stop depression and get back your sense of joy and happiness again.

Check out some of the ideas below and see if you can use any of them to help yourself with your depression at the moment.

1)      Asking the deepest question

One thing that has helped some people when suffering with depression is to ask yourself what is underneath your depression, or what is the deeper than depression. When we are stuck in an emotion of fear or sadness we sometimes feel like we are the emotion itself and this can be very disconcerting. Ask yourself what is deeper than depression and see what answer comes to mind. The fact is that you are not depression, and that your true nature is peace and joy. Doing this exercise over time can give you a glimpse of this peace and joy.

2)      What's another name for depression

I personally don't believe there is such an emotion as depression, but there certainly are the emotions of grief and sadness and being alone that plague many of us, and are very painful indeed. Ask yourself if any of these emotions are familiar or if there is an emotion  you would rather not feel. When you are familiar with this emotion you will find yourself opening up more to true pain and getting a greater perspective on things. You can then start to heal

3)      Letting sadness happen

Extreme emotions can seem like they take us over and consume us sometimes and it can be hard to move through the day. One way around this is to simply let the emotion happen and let the thoughts that you dread be there in your head while you go about your day. This can free up some energy for you in the moment a let you heal.

4)      Tapping for it

One of my favourite tools for coping with any emotional problem is eft. Find the eft points on the net and simply tap while you are thinking the thoughts that are causing you're pain. Doing so can have a real beneficial effect on you emotional pain.