OCD Children, what are the signs?There are certain days where you say to yourself, " I think my child has OCD". OCD in children is growing more and more each year. Why? Doctors are not sure, but they see a growing trend and at a younger age. I started to notice my OCD symptoms when I was 9 years old. My parents said they started to notice my "crazy" behaviors at 7 years. I am now 34 years old and have lived with this disorder now for 25 years. I was able to beat this with therapy and medication. If I was under treatment earlier, I don't think it would of been as bad as It ended up to. Signs your child might have OCD. The constant worrying about school, friends, trying to fit in was the start for me. I needed some sort of attention. I tend to panic about this littlest things. When your 10 years old, you shouldn't be worrying about how to catch the AIDS virus. I am sure TV had a major part of this as that's all I remember being on the news. I had to change my clothes when I came home from school. I didn't want any of the bad germs from school in my house. I would only wear things once. I remember my parents saying, " I just washed this." I look back now at all my behaviors and it all makes sense. By the time I was 16 years old, that's when it really got out of control. I believe the onstart was at the age of 9. These are just a couple of symptoms to look for, along with counting, touching things a certain amount of times etc. Keep an eye open to all these behaviors as early detection will only benefit your child in the end. Therapy has worked great for me, don't be ashamed. I don't know where I would be today with out the help of doctors. I have a blog about OCD children and other information you can use. Cheers, Christine |