Psychoanalysis Of Woman

Cristiane Wrobel Felini

The woman a while ago, was subjective. She knew, that her place was only at home, just worring  about  the  welfare  of  her  husband,  and  protecting the many children who would usually have.

Despite the  sexism  implicit  above, we  can  not  forget  that  the woman of the past was unique, whereas she was merely woman.

Today,  the  modern  woman,  left  behind  her  subjectivity  and adopted to her gender- female - several other adjectives. Today's woman is a woman-mother, woman-wife, woman-housekeeper, woman-father, and notwithstanding, woman-man.

And  because of  this,  the man also changed, he no longer seeks the subjective woman as in the past, nowadays, she has to learn how to change a pipe burst, but neather can not break her nail nor tousle her new hairstyle, as well.

This woman, increases sales of magazines on how to be a woman more feminine, how to please her husband sexually and how to educate her  children, books for  self-improvement on  how  to  find  happiness,  secrets  of  a  perfect  marriage,  mechanic  instructions book, plumbing quick course and also, practicle guide for electrician.

The  psychoanalysis  of  modern  woman, according to Freud, shows that marriage is no longer her only perspective. This  woman  is  focused  on  her professional life, and for her, there is no problem in being a single mother by choice.

However, woman is worrying so much about gender equality, which is forgetting her own gender.  She  is  forgetting  to  be  happy.  She  is  forgetting  the pure and simple pleasure principle.