Ayurveda Therapy-A wonderful way to bring balance and harmony to your life

A patient is diagnosed using three primary methods, which are as follows:

  • Darsana Pareeksha or observing the physical attributes of the patient
  • Prasna Pareeksha or asking relevant questions to the patient
  • Sparsana Pareeksha or physically examining the patient

Ayurveda Therapy

Depending on the symptoms, a specific Ayurveda treatment will be advocated. The main types of Ayurveda Therapy or treatments employed are Shama Chikitsa or Alleviating Therapy and Sodhana Chikista or Purification Therapy.

Shama Chikitsa uses herbal medicines to restore an imbalance that may occur in any of the doshas. Sodhana Chikista focuses of removing any toxic elements that may be present in the body due to various metabolic processes. This is done by employing various purification therapies to re-balance the body.

Ayurveda Therapy has many methods to improve the complete and total well-being of the individual. Some of them are Ayurveda Diet, Ayurveda Massage, Pancha Karma, Ayurveda Aromatherapy, Colour Therapy and Gem Therapy.

Ayurveda Diet
Diet is one of the most important Ayurveda Therapies. Ayurveda advocates a Sattvic diet to keep both the body and mind at peace. A Sattvic diet is primarily a vegetarian diet. Ayurveda believes that an individual must avoid meat, especially beef, as it causes harm to animals. Eating food that is rich in Prana such as organic food is also advocated.

Ayurveda Massage
Ayurveda Massage is also known as Abhyagna or Oil Massage and is an important Ayurveda Therapy. Oil Massage calms the mind and body and helps in alleviating pain. It also improves blood circulation which in turn has many benefits such an increasing longevity.

Pancha Karma
Pancha Karma, which translates into "five treatments" deals with eliminating toxic matter that is present in the body and thereby purifying it. This is a very effective Ayurveda Therapy in balancing out the body and results in the doshas being brought back into balance.

Ayurveda Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is an additional therapy in Ayurveda. The main area of focus for Ayurveda Aromatherapy is the mind. Besides calming and soothing the mind, it also aids in the process of meditation by improving the concentration abilities. Depending on the Aroma Oil used, different benefits are clearly apparent after its use.

Whichever Ayurveda Therapy is used, it will provide you great benefits which will make your life more enjoyable and comfortable and increase the overall quality.