Panic attack is a serious mental problem but it can be overcome. When you're having a panic attack, you feel like you're going to die, your heart is pounding badly, you're sweating all over, feeling shortness of breathe, light-headedness and even experience blurred vision.
If you want to overcome this mental problem, you need to know what triggers your anxiety attack. There are many causes of panic attack, financial worries, stress, problems with family, problems at work, etc. Most attacks though are triggered by some form of stress or anxiety.
Here are some natural treatments for overcoming panic attacks:
Learn meditation and relaxation techniques. These are very effective methods to calm the mind down, slow down the heartbeat, and control your breathing. When you experience panic attack, try to focus your mind on deep breathing. Make sure you learn how to breathe correctly.
Here is how to breathe correctly, put your hand on your stomach, breathe slowly and deeply through your nose and notice if your stomach rises and falls. If your stomach rises and falls, you're breathing correctly. Breathing can calm your minds, bodies and souls.
Healthy Diet – Your diet plays a very important role in your overall health, including your mental health. Healthy body and brain are formed from well-balanced diet. Make sure you include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. Eat organic foods rather than processed foods. Pay good attention to your diet, especially if the cause of panic attack is due to weight problem.
Exercise produces endorphin – the ‘happy’ hormone. Great exercises that will reduce stress and anxiety are aerobics, running, jogging, brisk walking, cycling, swimming and yoga. Just exercise 30 minutes a day, 3-5 times a week will have positive effects to your body and mind.
Rest well. Make sure you sleep at least 7 hours a day. This can help a great deal in getting rid of stress. Getting enough sleep can help your mood and allow your body to go through a self-recovery or natural healing process.
Sometimes, panic attacks happen for no apparent reason. But it doesn't mean that there is no reason. If you dig deeper, you'll find the trigger. Once you identify the causes, dealing with them become a lot easier.
Check out this guide that will show you step-by-step how to stop panic attacks naturally without resorting to drugs.