What Conditions Co-Exist With ADHD

The Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is one of the common disorders that are commonly developed in children. Those who are affected may have multiple impaired functioning at home, in relationships and at school. If left untreated, the condition may have long-term difficult effects into adulthood stage. Mostly the symptoms are:impulsivenessin which a child acts quickly without thinking,hyperactivityin which a child cannot sit still and prefers to run and climb around when other people are sitting still andinattentionin which a child daydreams and does not pay full attention when someone is talking to him.

The ADHD condition may be one of the traits that are found in humans. It is a developmental disorder that range from 3 to 5 years of age. Children with ADHD may have other conditions or illnesses aside from the ADHD itself. There are conditions that may co-exist with ADHD. These are:

  • Oppositional defiant disorder- children with this kind of condition are rebellious or stubborn and often times they argue with adults and refuse to obey. They also annoy others and blame others for all that goes wrong.
  • A learning disability- a child with this clause may have difficulty in understanding certain words or sounds or have trouble expressing through words. They may also struggle with spelling, writing, math and reading. It is often determined and identified by school psychologists through academic achievement testing, social interaction aptitude and intelligence testing.
  • Anxiety and Depression - people who are affected with this experience extreme fear and dread emotional distress and a tendency to avoid situations.
  • Conduct disorder- the child may steal, lie, fight or bully others. Also, he or she may break into homes, carry or use weapons and may destroy property. These children may use illegal drugs and substances. They may have trouble with the police or at school.
  • Bipolar Disorder-children have extreme mood swings in a short period of time. They experience abnormally elevated and abnormally depressed states for certain periods of time.
  • Tourette syndrome- among those who have this disorder, they have nervous tics and repetitive mannerisms like eye blinks, grimacing, and facial twitches. It is an inherited neuropsychiatric disorder. It starts in childhood and is characterized by tics and phonic tic. There are those who clear their throats, sniff and snort frequently.
  • Sleep disorder - it may refer to insomnia, delayed sleep phase syndrome, narcolepsy, sleep walking, rapid eye movement, restless legs syndrome, etc.
  • Bedwetting- children may have an involuntary urination while having asleep.

These conditions may occur together with ADHD. Aside from these, the substance abuse and other illnesses may also be involved. If suspected, ADHD should not be taken for granted. This should be treated through child psychiatrist, psychologists, and other experts in this field.